This is my dear Rachel. I don't see her very often (or talk to her for that matter) so I miss her ever so much!

Here is Krista, David (Lisa's little one), Rachel, Lisa, Stephanie, and myself. We are very infreguently in the same place at the same time (Krista living in OKC these days, and the rest of us being so busy) so it's always a very fun time when we do get to hang out and catch up (even if it is in Elmers and David is throwing a basketball at people). I miss you all!!! Cannot wait to see you next week!

This is Jeff (Left) and Erik (Right). Erik is married to Lisa and is David's daddy and Jeff is another friend in our circle of high school friends. Did I already mention that? We all went to high school together many years ago. :) Good times at ol' Columbia Christian!
Here is Roxanna (left) and Naomi (right). Two more girls that I went to high school and college with, though they were a year ahead of me. I love these girls! They are so much fun! Rox is in Japan teaching English and loving it (I miss her ever so much!) and Naomi is here in Portland with the rest of us enjoying the good ol' US of A. I need to call you Naomi, I know! :)
This is a picture from this summer (well, they all are actually) of my mom, Krista, and Debbie (Krista's "ma") having sushi together while Krista was in town visiting. That was a fun night. We tried tons of different kinds of sushi (they had to take plates away to fit others on the table cause we ordered so much) and taught Debbie how to use chopsticks (that was quite hilarious! Love you Aunt Debbie). Following all that food, I don't know how we did this, but we went to Papa Haydens for their famous desserts. This place has THE best desserts ever. I had the Cassata, which is a three layer cake that has been soaked
in kaloa with write yummy frosting with chocolate shavings inbetween the layers and on top. To top the oh so delicious cake off they have skinny tubes (for lack of a better way to describe it) of white and dark chocolate along the side. Oh, its simply heaven on a plate. YUM!
I'll stop torturing you and end this very long picture show with a picture of the adorable David Granberg. He is much older now, this was taken in September when he was about 14 months or so. He's got quite the character! I can't wait to see him next week!
Well, I'll leave you with that for now. Bye all!