Baby Jones

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Headin' to Cali!!

check out my California 5-Day Clubs team blog (not much there yet, but we will be remedying that asap!).
See ya all on the flip side...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Dad's birthday breakfast

Here's my cute little family (well, minus my big brother). We took my dad out for breakfast to a great little family restaurant called Biscuits Cafe. It was yum!! If you go, try their sweet potato pancakes...delish!!
Also, there is a lot going on in July by way of food and I just wanted to get all the info to you now since I am leaving very soon to head to Cali with our youth group to do 5-Day clubs (and go to Disneyland!!)

July is National -

  • Picnic Month
  • Ice Cream Month
  • July Belongs to Blueberries Month
  • Baked Bean Month

In July there are A LOT of National days to observe -
(seriously, who sits around and thinks of all these? are they hiring?)

  • National Fried Chicken Day--July 6
  • National Strawberry Sundae Day--July 7
  • National Chocolate Day -- July 7
  • National Sugar Cookie Day--July 9
  • National Piña Colada Day -- July 10
  • National Pecan Pie Day--July 12
  • National Blueberry Muffin Day--July 12
  • National Tapioca Pudding Day--July 15
  • National Peach Ice Cream Day -- July 17
  • National Ice Cream Day--July 18
  • National Caviar Day--July 18
  • National Raspberry Cake Day--July 19
  • National Junk Food Day--July 21
  • National Vanilla Ice Cream Day -- July 23
  • National Hot Dog Day -- July 23
  • National Milk Chocolate Day--July 28 (check the chocolate link, sounds interesting)
  • Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day--July 29 (I don't understand this one, but oh well)
  • National Lasagna Day--July 29
  • National Cheesecake Day--July 30

I've linked some recipe's so check them out (the chocolate ones especially sound delicious, call me when you make them and I'll give you a hand eating them).
Check out this website, it lists all sorts of other types of "National" days, along with funny little things about them. It's a fun website.

Side note: While looking for the above recipe's I came across this one and just had to share it with you. I REALLY, REALLY hope someone makes it. Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake with Bittersweet Ganache. Does that not just make your mouth water?? I wish it had come with a picture.