Well, a few weeks ago (okay, the 8th of this month) Jenn Abel and myself took out Kellee Peil, Abbey Dragoon and Stacey Caswell to McMennamins for dinner and then to see the Nutcracker down at the Keller Auditorium. Someone had dropped off free tickets to the dress rehersal so we decided to use them. It was a fun night, girls nights out always are. On the way home Jenn and I decided to go see the midnight showing of Narnia out in Sandy so we called Tracy and headed out to stay up way past our bed times and live a little. :) The movie was fabulous! I loved it! But guess what I did (remember the time I saw this movie and what I had already done that day). I feel asleep. No surprise there. Except that I had to fall asleep during the most important part of the movie, when Aslan is on the table. Sometimes I could just kick myself. OH well, just means I have to see it again. Good thing I liked it. Anywho, thats enough from me for now. I'll try and do more catching up and bring you all up to speed so my blog isn't totally boring and pointless. Oh, wait, my blog is called mindless bable, so isn't that the point?
1 comment:
Man Tabs, that night at the nutcracker was so much fun! We all need to hang out and have a girls night again sometime :) I cant wait for Dunes!!! We need to hang out more for sure! Ill ttyl! :)
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