Moving along, I've missed a couple of National Foodie days so I'll bring you up to date quickly so you don't miss out. :)
- March 19Th was National Poultry Day.
- March 20Th was National Ravioli Day.
- Yesterday, March 21st, was the first day of spring! I can't believe I missed it...well, didn't celebrate it. It was also FREE ICED COFFEE DAY at Dunkin' Donuts. Bummer, missed that one too. Darn it, I need to keep up on this better.
- Today, March 22ND has nothing going on. BUT, it is National Celery Month. Now, I know celery isn't all that exciting but it's nice and crunchy and fun to munch (with a dip or salsa) or toss into salads and stir-fry's. :)
A few other random thoughts for you today:

- I love Michael Buble. He is my favorite singer (has been for awhile). CHEESE ALERT! His voice and the music that he sings makes my heart happy. When I hear it I can't help but smile (or sing along...and move to the music). It's all around my favorite! And I just found out two very exciting things: he has a new ablum coming out in May and he is planning on touring this summer! Oh, this summer is getting better and better.
- Let's see, I think it was Tuesday and I was stopping into Winco on my way home from work. I was eating a string cheese while pulling into a parking spot and not really paying attention when all of a sudden I bit my finger. I BIT MY FINGER! Who does that? I've heard of biting your tongue or cheeck (done it plenty of times to know the pain it can cause) but a finger? And let me tell you, I must have been hungry or something cause my finger throbbed for the rest of the night. I didn't leave any marks, thank goodness...that would have been fun to explain...but goodness gracious. Who bites their finger while eating besides little babies who are still learning to eat? I'm a freak and this proves it. At least I know it though. But this should be a warning to you all...stay away from me while I'm eating, I get a little aggressive. Come to think of it, last week while eating a salad I bit the fork so hard I thought I broke my tooth. That hurts pretty darn bad too I might add.
Okay, thats it for now. Hope you all have a great day!
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