Hmmm, where to begin.
Today it snowed in the Northwest. What the heck is up with that? I'm pretty sure it's spring and March is almost over. We have some weird weather in these parts. And poor kids that are on spring break and having crappy weather. Now, I'm one who loves Fall and Winter and the cold weather but there is a time when it's nice to get a break from the freezing cold weather and get some much needed sun and not have quite that bite in the air...and it's called Spring. We get to bring out some of our more warm weather friendly clothes and put away the sweaters and big fluffy jackets. Oh wait, not this week. We've gone back about 4 months in weather. I wonder if it means anything? Like a super hot summer or a really mildly warm summer? I'm not huge into super hot weather (more cause I hate sleeping and sweating during those warm nights) so my vote would usually be for the later but today I'm hoping for a nice warm spring and a hot summer. Any one else care to share their thoughts on this crazy weather we are having? Oh, I will say this...I went out to get some pictures of the snow around the church but it had melted and the sun was shining. That is more like it. Let's keep it that way please. :)
I also realized, well, not really realized cause I already knew this but, I love the color green. Besides painting the office two different shades of green (although that was not the original plan but sometimes it's hard to tell exactly how a color will turn out when it's put on the walls) I have a lunch sack, travel tumbler and thermos that match...without me evening knowing or planning it. Don't worry, here is a picture so you can believe me...

Now, these items were not bought together or with each other in mind. I bought the lunch sack back late last year sometime, my sister made me the tiny tumbler about 3 or 4 years ago for Christmas using a picture that Karl took, and she also gave my dad the thermos last year for Christmas (which he never uses so I stole). I think the love of the color green runs in my blood, or at least is something I share with my sis, apparently. I made this discovery this morning and just thought I would blog about it. How boring am I? Oh well. :)
Let's see...Saturday my dad and I colored Easter eggs. Didn't end up doing an Easter egg hunt but oh well. It was still fun to do the "traditional" coloring of the eggs any way. And you can't see them here, this picture was taken at the beginning our coloring time, but one fun thing to do is to put rubber bands around the eggs and then color them, or color them then put the rubber bands on and then color them again. Aren't those some snazzy mugs? ;)

Oh, and I am so SO SO excited that the writer's strick is finally over. We (Beks & Kristin) already have plans for a Welcome Back party for The Office next Thursday. We are going to watch it on Kristin's super huge tv and Beks is dressing like Dwight and I'm bringing the crossword puzzles...okay, maybe not but wouldn't that be funny if she did dress like him? I think I might pee my pants.
One final thing to mention and I'm sad because I didn't know about it until today and the month is now just about over. But...March is National Nutrition Month. In all honesty, that is every month in Tabitha Land but still, it's fun that they chose a month to celebrate nutrition. But don't stop celebrating on the 31st. Let's keep it going all year 'round. :)
There's more to catch up on but I do need to get to work, hehehe. So bye friends!
um, don't quote me on this but i may have bad news. i heard originally that the office was coming back on the 3rd and then the other night i heard them say "a brand new episode of the office will be airing april 10th" so who knows..might want to check it out:)
Good word, Faith. You might have just saved us from a serious distaster...or at least a very huge disappointment. You are a true friend. :)
so.... I need to show you all the random green things that I bought.. and then realized later were all the same shade of green... sigh... coat, gloves, scarf, purse, wallet, shoes, sweater... crazy! I sure like you Tabitha!
don't forget your super cool GREEN spray painted lamp that's in the background of your green pic! it's super hot, and all the rage when I inherited it from Haley..
When I looked at your blog before I read the detail, I, that travel mug looks like it has Karl's picture on memory is slipping.....that's what happens when you get as close to 40 as I am.
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