And I don't care about diets or workouts or anything from Hungry Girl today. Just. GO. CELEBRATE!
Seriously. I mean, I KNOW donuts are not the most nutritious thing for you and I usually do not eat or suggest others eat these little round sugar coated, doughy treats of yummy goodness, but when I read about where this little day of celebration originated from I felt I had to do my duty and celebrate like a true American.
(I think Scott and I might take time tonight between work and other engagements to hit up this wonderful little Portland delicatessen...mmmm...bacon maple bar, here I come!)
So, are you curious this days origins? Well, let me share with you the dealio (yeah, I just typed that, get over it)...
According to wikipedia, where I go to answer all of lifes little questions, Donut Day is the first Friday of every June and was started by the Salvation Army (gotta love that group and their cute little outfits) to honor the women who served donuts to soldiers during World War I. And National Donut Day (which, yes, is actually different from Donut Day but is still celebrated on the same day) is to honor the donut, that little round doughy goodness with a perplexing hole in the middle. But, I mean, why not celebrate the donut. We certainly don't want to leave It out when there are days of the year set aside for poisonus blackberries and tapioca pudding. Oh, and rubber eraser day and pop goes the weasel day...oy, people...oy.
My friend Rachel's birthday, March 26 is … Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. I think that is pretty stinkin sweet. Next year, I think I'll make that day National Surprise and Celebrate Rachel day, she'll so hate that. Haha!
My birthday, February 17 is … Champion Crab Races Day - yeah, kinda not that exciting.
(OY! I just looked at the menu at VooDoo...they all look so good! Now I can't decide... Do I get the Neapolitan? The Double Chocolate? Apple Fritter? The Portland Cream??? Do I get cake or raised? Filled or not filled? I mean, if I'm getting a donut, might as well go all out, right? HELP!?!? Any advice would be much welcomed)
And that is all I have for now. Maybe this weekend I'll post a picture of the oh so delicious donut that I imbibe in tonight. And if you would care to share, what donut did you or are you going to enjoy on this great day of celebration?
They were out of Maple this morning so I had to get Strawberry - Maple all the way!
thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment :)
so bummed, i tried to indulge in the free donut today but could not locate either a krispy kreme or dunkin within 20 miles of me. lame. and i still want a donut.
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