Then on Thursday I went to Trader Joes with my former roommate (who also got engaged and married while we lived together) whom I haven't seen in a very long time. It so good to hang out with her and do some catch up.

Friday was a beautiful day and I got to spend a part of it driving to and from Paper Zone down town. I also wore a turtle neck sweater (typical Oregon weather, it started out raining and chilli, I should have known better).

I also got some pictures of the flowers around my apartment.

Saturday was another beautiful day and we took advantage of that during the morning hours by doing service projects all around Gresham with the High school students and an older group called the M&M's (I don't know what that stands for, I should find that out). It was great fun and we had a pretty good turn out.

Sunday, again, was absolutly georgous (I feel like a broken record, but we haven't seen the sun like this for awhile) so I had to take advantage of it again. After having lunch with the fam (burgers outside on the grill) I went and hiked up Angels Rest which is in the Gorge. Which by the way is one of the best hiking area's in the US. :)

Phew...there ya go everyone. Sorry there were so many pictures but I just didn't have time to put them up as I took them. And sorry I'm so weird with taking pictures of myself...well, actually, I'm not sorry. If you know me at all, you know that's just how I am. I've never been camera shy. Maybe I should work on that a bit. :)
Love you all!
That is funny! I can't even remember when I posted that comment but is has been awhile. I didn't think you would ever know I had commented since the last time you posted was in September. :) I'm glad to know that your alive and well, I was getting a bit worried there for a minute.
Oh, the Lambda hayride, I can't believe you remember that, that feels like forever ago. It sure was a fun time, though.
Okay, I'd love to hear whats goin on with you these days but since this isn't the most ideal place to accomplish that, if you want, shoot me an email at tallister@hotmail.com.
Hope to hear from ya!
Go Tabs! Rekindling an old flame? You better not get married and move to another state before I get home. I hate it when that happens.
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