So I was making
jello the other day and while I was stirring "till all is disolved" into the hot water I decided to read about the different things that you could do to make your jello a bit more interesting. A few of the ideas, if I recall correctly, are to make it with orange juice or maybe a flavored soda. As those of us who have attended many a potluck in our day know, you can add fruit to jello to make it rather tasty as well. But one thing that struck me as a bit strange was that they (they being the jello making people) suggested putting vegetables in the jello. What?!? Who was the genius behind that crazy idea? "Okay kids, time for dinner. We're having Strawberry jello with tomatoes and broccoli." Yum? How about gross! I just thought it was a bit strange that they would put that on the box as an idea. And the way they did it was so non-challant, too. They say something along the lines of "just pick out your favorite fruit or vegetable" and then proceeds to explain how to make the jello with your favorite fruit or vegetable. Does that strike anyone else as very strange? I cannot think of a vegetable that would go good with jello, and I love veggies and am always looking for new ways to eat them...but maybe I'm missing something. If you can think of a good veggie that can go with jello please let me know.
i honestly can't think of a good veggie T. i just know fruit goes well in it and soda (like 7up) im sure if i think on it more i'd think of a veggetable to go with it.. but that idea of calling the children to dinner and then saying what were having for dinner.. YUCK! hehe! humm? i can't seem to now get jello out of mind..maybe its because my mind is jello.. lol! oh well! hope your having a good one swee-T! love ya! ><>
My personal favorite is the lemon jello with baby spinach and egg plant.
did you know when you click on the Jenny Z link, it goes to Team Hibbs? I was like, YES! EXTREME MAKEOVER!!! They've cloned me into a man, and a woman, and I am rad... lol. Just thought it was funny... wait a sec... you have 2 Jenny Z links... because I'm so fabulous?! Wowza... I feel looooooved... Kisses
hello. I was also recently traumatized by what i read on the box. i googled 'vegetables in jello' to make sure that i wasn't crazy. thanks for showing me that this was weird to someone else too! Still can't understand it!
Hi, I just made a jello from my son and put carrots in it. I made sure to cut the carrots up very small before adding them. I also added fruit with it. Its a good way to get veggies in kids. lol I am still looking myself to see what other kind of veggies you can use.
Try it. It is very good. Use lime jello and chop raw celery & carrots in very small pieces and chop geens olives. I bet you will like it. Some people also like to add chopped nuts to this recipe.
What about watermelon jello with cucumber
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