Well, this year was my mom's big 60th birthday so we planned a little surprise party for her. My dad whisked her away to the beach for a few days while we got the house ready for the big party. Lots of family and friends were able to make it and I think my mom was genuinely surprised. We had more than enough food and two FABULOUS cakes made by my sister's baker friend.

my mom walking around hugging everyone after we yelled surprise (sorry I didn't get a better picture but my dumb little camera isn't fast enough for that kind of stuff)

Here is my mom blowing out the candles after we sang her a "wonderful" rendition of Happy Birthday.

Birthday cake #1: A chocolate layer cake with chocolate ganache as the filling (yum!)

Birthday cake #2: A pumpkin layer cake with a cream cheese filling...decadent and oh so so so yummy! So good we had the same cake again on Thanksgiving. :)

Here are my parents with The Smith's. My dad and Tim went to Gresham High School together years ago and so Tim knew my parents before they were married. We got to hear some fun stories at the party (ones our parents had not shared with us before, shame on them)

These sweet, sweet folks are the Dick and Rita Owens. They were in Japan with my folks back in the 70's and had a hand in bringing them to Christ. They also had some great stories to share, as you can imagine.

Here is Lori and Karl Kaiser. Karl, as you all know, is my brother-in-law and Lori is his sister. Lori and my mom actually share a birthday, how fun!

A few of my friends even dropped by to wish my mom happy birthday. Here is Rachel (who also brought little Grant and her parents along)

And here is Holli, my dear friend from my old job before I worked at the church. This girl is great and I am so thankful for her friendship and that the Lord placed her at the E company to help to make the not so great job a little bit brighter.
Well, there ya go. It was a fun time had by all. AND, I have to add: I LOVE YOU MOM!!! YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!! This has all probably been more than you really cared to see and read but it was fun to reminisce anyway.
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