Baby Jones

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hockey game with the high school kids

Last saturday night I hung out with some of our high school students. We rode the Max down to Lloyd Center where we had dinner and then headed over to the crap hole..I mean, um... that is the Coliseum to watch the Winterhawks play. Sorry, I shouldn't say that about our beloved Coliseum but it really is not a great place to go anymore. They don't really take that great care of it and haven't even updated their Big tv thing that hangs in the middle of the stadium (check out above picture). It's still one of those screens with all the little bulbs that only puts up messages (no live shots of the game, nada) and all the lights aren't even in working order. Poor Winterhawks. Oh, and the bathrooms are really poorly designed as well.

All in all, it was a really fun night. It was fun to hang out with everyone and I forgot how much fun it is to watch hockey. It really is one of the only sports that I can actually sit through (more in person than on tv though) and enjoy. Here are a few pictures from our little night out.

Just so you know, the popcorn that is pictured here does not belong to anyone in our group. It actually belongs to the man that is sitting in the seat next to it in the row in front of us. I thought it looked gross, all buttery and sticking the bottom of the bucket but Brad, who was sitting next to me said it looked really yummy and he really wanted to eat it. I, being the bad mentor that I am, encouraged this terrible behavior and told him to take some. As you can see, he didn't really need much encouragment. Also, if your curious, he said the nasty looking popcorn tasted great. We have some funny kids in our group.

Check this new superbowl commercial out!

I've never been a huge fan of K-Fed or Brittany Spears (and probably never will). However, I think K-Fed just helped himself out a little bit and earned himself some respect with this new commercial that will be airing during the Superbowl this weekend. It's stinkin' hilarious! Click the picture below, follow the links, watch the commercial then come back and tell me what you think. :)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Word of the Day: Abdicate
Definition: (verb) To relinquish (power or responsibility) formally.
Synonym: Renounce
Usage: Bekah abdicated her secretarial position at Good Shepherd to Tabitha when she moved to Prague last year. :) (Just trying to make it more relatable.)

This pic is just for you, my friend. That mask paid off. See how good our skin looks now? :)

Sunday I was able to hang out with my old roommate Lisa Pietzold. We had lunch at Paris Cafe and then she showed me the house that her and Jeremy are building. It was a very fun (albeit cold) afternoon. It's always so refreshing to hang out with an old friend. Love ya Lisa!! AND CONGRATS TO JEREMY AND LISA!!! Those of you who may not know why I'm congratulating them, ask them the next time you see them. :)

Love you all and have a great day!!

25 days till my 27th birthday...

Monday, January 22, 2007

A few updates for you

1. HEROES FINALLY begins tonight!!! I cannot wait! All the commercials and talks I've heard and seen look so fascinating and have done their job of hooking me and getting me excited for the season to start up again. Not that I needed any help. Anyway, it's on tonight at 9:00 on channel 8. Sorry for you 24 and Heroes fans, you're going to have a bit of a conundrum on what to watch (heroes...heroes...heroes...). Are you on the list? AHHH, I can't wait!!!

2. My hand has been twitching for the last couple of days, right in the meaty part under your thumb. It is a very odd sensation and I can't explain it in the least. Any ideas? It's very entertainging, though. When it happens I just sit back and watch the skin move without my doing so. Who needs tv when they have entertainment like that? Oh, and if your curious, it's my right hand. Now, I know the eye sometimes twitches when we get stressed (I know this from experience) but what does it mean when the hand starts to twitch? Too much comfortableness? Too much peace? Hmmm, I should look into this.

3. It's less than a month until my birthday. WOOHOO!!! Can you believe it? It's already been a year and now it's time for that always fun time of birthday cakes, candles and decorations. Okay, I don't always have decorations but they are fun, aren't they? Come on, you know you miss the themed birthdays of yest-year. What did you guys have? Princess partys, prirate parties? I actually can't remember what I had when I was little. Oh dear, thats just sad. I'm going to have to ask my folks if they remember (which they won't most likely). Dang it, this is embarrassing, I thought I was onto something and now I can't even contribute to the fun memories. Okay, thats it. More research for me. I'm finding out what kind of parties I had as a kid and I'll get back to you all. This just proves I have a terrible memory. BUT, all this to say that my birthday is in 26 days!! YAY!!!

4. Which leads me to say that DUNES is coming as well (again, I'll be at Dunes on my birthday). The students are getting very excited. I actually had someone turn in their permission slip and money before we even mailed them out. Hmmm, very interesting. The mailers have FINALLY gone out (thanks to the snow for making that happen a week late) and the sweatshirts (zip-up hoodies) are here, things are on a roll. Times get crazy right about now, but thankfully we have a lot of fun along the way. Sometimes I think we work better when it's crazy, is that normal? Well...look at the people I work with and it does make sense (and I promise I only mean that in a good way!!). I think it just means that we are excited about Dunes too, which is a good thing.

Well, this post has gotten a lot longer than I had intended (always does, I am the babbler). I'm sorry, please don't feel like you have to read it. :)

Loves to you all and I hope you have a great day!!


(26 days till I turn 27...whoa, weird.)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

My high school bible study

Such a sweet bunch! They are quite a joy to be around.

Aren't they a crack up? These are some funny kids, let me tell ya. Oh goodness, I sound like a proud parent or something..

Monday, January 8, 2007

I love friends

Lately, I have gotten to hang out with some good friends that I haven't seen in awhile AND gotten to see some super cute kiddies. Here are a few pictures for you to check out...
Jenny, Krista and me.
Krista and her mom Debbie with my mom and I at Pix Patissorie
Krista, Rachel, baby Grant, and me at Pix...again (the very next night, actually).

Bekah and me gettin' all pretty...
Lisa, Rachel, and me
Erik and his little baby girl Kira
Connie and my mom, they have been friends since high school (maybe even middle school).

Another interesting tid-bit for you

This was in an email I got from one of our local news channels

Northwest pears become more healthy
07:31 PM PST on Sunday, January 7, 2007
Northwest pear growers can say the fruit has more fiber this year.

Starting this month, new Food and Drug Administration labeling rules will boost the fiber value attributed to pears by about 50 percent. The official state fruit packs an average of about six grams of fiber -- about 24 percent of the recommended daily intake for most adults. Pear growers plan to make sure that consumers know about the improved fiber value.

I didn't even know the pear was a state fruit. Good thing, cause it's tasty! It's technical name is Pyrus communis.


Just some friendly food info for you to ponder on your next grocery trip.

Want to know what are the best fruits and veggies to eat for maximum nutritional benefits? Here’s a list, and why they’re good for you!

Tomatoes are packed with lycopene, that can help ward off lung, skin, bladder, and cervical cancer. You can also get lycopene in watermelon, pink grapefruit, baked beans, and red peppers.Avocados are chock full of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that can protect you from heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Avocados are also an excellent source of healthy fat and fiber.Soy can help reduce your saturated fat intake because it is full of vegetable protein, which is much healthier than protein you get from eating meat.
Soy can also help reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke.
Beans have soluble fiber, which, when eaten regularly, reduce your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It can also help lower your cholesterol!
Broccoli can protect against many forms of cancer, particularly lung and colon. It also helps your liver detoxify carcinogens and can help prevent and heal ulcers!

I found this this morning and I thought I should share it with you all. It's not the most exciting but it's interesting (at least to me), informational, and is a post (which this blog was in need of).
:) Have a great day!


Thursday, January 4, 2007

word and picture of the day

Word of the Day:Jovial
Definition: (Adjective) Merry.
Synonym: Fun-loving
Usage: Santa Clause is a jovial old gentleman.

Do you think I'm jovial?

By the way, this was a waiter we had the last night we were on the ship who made me my own special drink since I couldn't decide what I wanted (surprise). :)