May 4th is National Orange Juice Day.

May is National Asparagus Month. Asparagus is an excellent source of vitamin K, the B vitamin folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A. I am going to celebrate this wonderful veggie and enjoy it in my salad today for lunch. :)
Here are a lot of different recipe's that use this wonderful veggie so try em out if you get a chance.

May 8th, is National Coconut Cream Pie Day. I'm personally not a huge fan of coconut, but this does look mighty tasty.

May is National Hamburger Month. Okay, this is weird. This morning I was looking up pictures of burgers for an event that we do for the high school students called Burger Bash/Car Smash. While searching for the pictures I was wondering to myself if there was a National Hamburger Day or anything of the sort. Low-and-behold, when I checked my email for the day (a little late) and read my daily
Hungry Girl email I discovered that there is not just a day for hamburgers but a whole stinkin' month and it's May. Craziness! Anyway, too bad our Burger Bash isn't until June. OH well, I think the kids will survive. :)
If you are needing something to do and you live in the Portland or surrounding area's, go visit
Cooper's Coffee shop on Stark and 60th. It's a great little coffee shop that serves sandwiches, desserts, coffee, tea and even wine. The main reason I want to let you all know of this great little coffee shop is because my brother-in-law, Karl, has a "show" there for the month of May. When you visit you have to take note of the pictures on the wall because they are all taken by him (at least I think). He is one phenomenal photographer AND painter so you don't want to miss this great opportunity. Not only will you get to see some great art you will enjoy a fun new place to coffee/food/wine. And if you like any he will be glad to sell them to you, he even frames them all nice, it's great.

Here is a cute little bunny statue that is sitting on my sis's porch right now. When she showed it me on Saturday guess what instantly popped into my head. Remember that Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots game? Do you see it? We got a great big laugh out of that.

Now I must head to the dentist's office. Yay, fun times for me. Hope you all have a great day!
Ok 2 things... first you put THE wierdest stuff EVER on your blog... but thats ok, bc you don't mock my strange idiosyncrasies. SECOND I have a super funny chest hair story to tell you... and not my own chest hair, someone elses, just in case you were wondering. HILARIOUS!!! And next Tuesday we're doing lunch... 12:30 maybe 12:15 ok love you bye
PS Seriously? Asparagus? Ew. Just, ew. Plus, it makes your pee stink or turn green or something wierd that I don't really know bc I don't eat it!
It makes your pee smell. I know this from experience. :)
Just to clarify, Karl mainly has his painting up at Coopers, not his photography this time. Hope you enjoy it!
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