Well, here is another new tasty baking experience to share with you and to add to my ever growing list of items backed for the Christmas season. Last night I made Cranberry-Chocolate Chip Biscotti. Sounds good, huh? I'm here to say that it not only sounds good, it looks and tastes good. I was a bit worried about the dough at first, didn't really meld together like I'm used to with other cookie or dessert recipe's but I forged on (with the encouragement of my dad who came over last night to put up lights on my balcony). The bottom got a teeny-tiny bit burnt on but I think overall they turned out just fine. I can't wait to make them again. Check 'em out.

Linda, who is one of my favorite food reviewers, said they turned out delicious (I love watching her eat what I make, she makes it look so good). Anyway, making biscotti is so much easier than I ever imagined. If you have ever thought about making it yourself but haven't yet because you thought it might be too hard, give it a try. Really, it's super easy and will them make a great little treat you can have on hand when guests come over and even give away as a Christmas gift (maybe drizzle some white chocolate over the tops of these...oooo, that sounds good!). That is one great thing about biscotti, there are so many different things you can do with them like putting stuff on top after they have baked or put different things in the mix like almonds or ginger. There are endless options here folks, just try out your favorite. :)
A little fact that Donna told me this morning is that Biscotti means "twice baked." Interesting. I actually baked mine three times but I won't tell them that.