Here are some pictures from Scott's little birthday celebration:

Here is Scott's present. He's already opened it so I can tell you whats in the bag. I got him a wallet thing for when he's out on a ride. It fits in his cycling jersey pocket and has spots for tools, a waterproof spot for his phone and spots for his ID and some cash. I also got him a grill scrubber thing...yeah, I like practical gifts, what's it to ya? I made us a picnic dinner complete with little bottles of wine and cute little mini cupcakes from New Seasons (SO FREAKING GOOD!)
Here was the view from our little seat

And here are some uninvited guests.

The birthday boy himself.

A little brownie bite dealy-bob from New Seasons.
They have all these yum little bite-sized desserts. Its great. I love it.

A man contemplating life, how good it's been and what possibilities lie ahead. Or maybe he's playing King of the Beach with the geese. I don't know.

After the picnic was done we decided to head over to
Verdict to enjoy their happy hour drinks that are served all day on Thursdays. $3 Cosmos? Yes please. I think I'm gonna like it here(insert music from Annie).

Scott ordered a White Russian. Those are a very delicious drink...just sayin...

Oh, and we thought that we might as well try out their happy hour food menu too...since we were there and it was the right time...

Yes, darlin, I'm listening intently to the rights of keep reading, I'll keep enjoying my cosmo.
We also ordered their chocolate raspberry torte but ate it too fast to get a picture.
And yes, we had a picnic dinner with wine and dessert, then went to have drinks, more dinner type food, and dessert somewhere else...we like to eat good food on special occasions. So? I will say that that part of the evening wasn't planned. It just sort of happened. And I'm so very glad it did. We had a great time and I think Scott thoroughly enjoyed his 33rd birthday.
Happy Birthday Scott! I love you! Ever so very much.
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