Kale is where it's at folks. Yum. E.
There are many ways you can eat this wonderful vegetable but my most favorite way is kale chips. And folks, I'm gona tell you just how easy it is to make this wonderful treat. You won't be able to stop making them, like me. And do I even have to mention that kale is super duper nutritious for you.
1. turn your oven to 350.
2. separate the leaves from their stems
3. spray your baking sheet
4. toss the kale on the sheet and spray the kale with your cooking spray (I prefer olive oil spray)
5. sprinkle with salt and pepper and place in the oven.
10 minutes later, this is what you end up with.
Oh how pretty (and yummy) they look just sitting their in their crispy green beauty.
Here is the same plate about 3 minutes after the above picture was taken.
Seriously, go buy some kale and ENJOY! (and come back and tell me what you thought)
kale loves you too.
I love Kale! I make it the same way, except I add Ketchup.
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