And now for the introductions:

The first picture is of all the boys. Left to right: Little Sam Deuel, his dad Mark, Erik Granberg, his son David, Julian Hess and Tyler Ellis. The second picture is of the girls: Left to right is Lisa Granberg (married to Erik), Stephanie Hess (married to Julian), Rachel Deuel (married to Mark) and myself (married to no one).

This is cute little David. He is a year and a half, walking and into everything. He's a hoot!

Well, those are my dear, dear friends whom I love and thank the Lord for every day! Aren't friends are a wonderful creation of God? I am so glad that all those years ago sitting in the cafeteria on the first day of school a couple of girls decided to take a chance on the newbie sitting by herself (and order me to sit at their table cause it wasn't right to sit by myself; pretty bossy girls, huh). Thank you so much for your friendships girls (and boys), its been pretty darn fun and I'm looking forward to what the future holds for all of us! Should be interesting!
Welp, I'm out.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Ps. We missed you Krista!!
Oh...I almost cried when I read this post. It brings back a lot of old memories. I miss you guys soooooo much and I wish I could have been there. I'm going to try and make it to Portland around Memorial Day (which happens to be around my birthday as well). I hope everyone is in town at that time and we can get everyone together once again.
Girl, you just get yourself here, I'll take care of the rest! :) Love you!!
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