Last night my dad and I went to the Junior High production of Antsilvania. It was a super cute musical filled with great costumes,

sets and talent. I was very impressed by the whole event. The kids sang very well for having to be up onstage acting and singing in front of family and friends. I know I would have been a basket case having to do what they were doing. My little friend Melanie (who actually is taller than me so I don't know why I still call her that) was the Mom spider and she did great!

It was a fun evening and I'm glad I got to enjoy it. Now, maybe next year we can get some more people out there to support the students. :)
Go Melanie! :-) Tabs, you rock!
hey... i'm a girl from thailand... in the fifth grade i was also in antsilvania... i was a flower... it was super fun!... good luck to melanie too...
Hello i am Zita B. Duran of Agusan national High School, Butuan City , Philippines. I was able to stage this musical play but the script and the music was lost can you give me a copy and the cd?
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