Spring is here and I am so happy about it I could just bust! Outside it feels great, it smells great and it looks great!! I LOVE IT!!! The one and only thing that is kind of sad is that I don't have a window to look out and see the wonderful weather. Which could be a good thing because then I'm not distracted by it....hmmm. Anyway, here are some pictures I took to show you just how wonderful it is today around my little church...

Flowers are so beautifully refreshing and calming aren't they? I could just look at them all day long...

Here is a bee that got squished...sad...but it's great to see bee's again (sort of), it means the flowers are out. :) Gotta find the good in the not so good.

Apparently the school is having a book fair. How fun! I loved book fairs when I was kid...oh, wait, I still do... Anyway, I thought this sign was just super cute and springy so I took a picture of it.

Boy it sure is sunny out! (Please let me tan, please let me tan, please let me tan!!)

Here are the redheads, looking so happy and springy. They are the most darling ladies to work with. Their laughter is completely infectious! We really do have the best "receptionists" ever!

There's my shadow, givin' ya a wave hello from sunny Oregon. :)

And last but most assuradly not least, here is our

beautiful mountain, Mt. Hood, basking in the warm sunshine (even though there is snow up there)...and then here is just another shot of the beautiful scenery around our church in the glorious weather.

Look at those magnificent trees. I know I say this a lot but I sure do love Oregon.
Can you tell that I am loving the weather today? I hope wherever you are at, wether it be in Oregon, Oklahoma, Europe or Japan, that you are having a great day just like me! :)
Love you all!!
GREAT blog today Tabs!!
Hey tabs! I love Spring in Oregon! And since the weather only varies between wet and dry here I miss true SEASONS. Thanks for the walk around the GSCC campus. I love it. Those redheads are precious. Say hi to them for me. Miss you girly!
Tabs! I agree with Sara! thanks for sharing some photos of Spring in Oregon!
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