My cool do-rag and three of the 5 ladders we were using.
I am holding the poll. That was my job while we were putting up the awning. When that was done, I held the box of screws. I worked really hard. I liked my spot because I was in the middle of it all listening and laughing, it was good times.
Sam and her ever popular tongue pose. She was the awning puller. Talk about muscle woman.
my brother, Guy, the very helpful helper. One of his important jobs: keep everyone happy and argument free.
Karl: "Can someone hold my lader?"
Guy: "I got it."
We really tried to keep things safe on this little family DIY project, can't you tell?
Guy really liked holding the ladder for people. Such a helpful brother.
Getting SO close to having the project halfway done. Oh, and check out Karls hat. Mister Macdaddy. Watch ladies, he's taken.
And here you can see Sam over in the back going up onto the roof to put in all the screws to hold this sucker in place. Poor thing, she was on the roof in the heat of the day wearing a long sleeve shirt so she wouldn't burn. She was a trooper that day! We all were (me being the least trooperish). Way to go family! It was fun but I'm glad it's over and we don't have to that ever again.
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