Yesterday when I came into work I was shushed by a couple of 1st graders on their way to music class. Cutest thing. I love working in the school building (but I love that I am not a part of the school).
I have to give a little shout out to my friend Beks who was showed what it is to be a true friend when she swept all the cobwebs away from my door the other night. She also swept up the hugest, nastiest dead spider that I had killed a few nights before that. I'll give you the overall recap on that scary incident: 4:30 am Wednesday morning, there was a battle on my door step between me and a freakin' huge spider who had made a web across my staircase. Some instruments that were involved in this battle were my broom (who's new home is on the front step by the welcome mat), a bottle of wasp spray and my welcome mat (envision me throwing tossing the welcome mat on the wasp spray-covered spider and jumping up and down while whimpering like the little girl that I am). I'm sure it was quite the sight. ANYWAY, all that to say a HUGE THANK YOU! to Bekah, you are fabulous, thanks for being a better friend than me.

And lastly I just want to add that I LOVE the song Grace Kelly by MIKA. If you haven't heard it, go visit iTunes and buy it, you will just love it!! It's a super fun and catchy tune. :)
Have a great day everyone!! Love you all!
One last parting comment and then I really will be done.
I got a card in the mail from a friend recently that had Winnie the Pooh and Piglet walking hand in hand on the front and said "Friendship,' said Pooh, 'is a very comforting thing." Seriously, nobody can say it better than Pooh.
Tabs ~ I think you are mistaken. Candy corn IS, in fact, the best candy around! How exciting that there is a national day for it.
Also, I have no doubt that you will appear in the alumni magazine one of these days. I believe in you!!
I love this post! It made me laugh.
I agree with you that no one can say that about friendship better than Winnie the Pooh. Thanks for putting that in your post. Oh, and have a happy November!
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