Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Another one under the belt
Monday, August 18, 2008
Oh, the Oregon Coast
I am not a big fan of being in Oregon water. Hello, IT'S FREAKIN FREEZING!!! But to prove a point, here I stand.

One of the best parts of the day (I have to selfishly admit) was finding something with my name on it. If you haven't realized this, Tabitha is not the most common of names, which makes it very hard to find things that say Tabitha (like those oh so exciting state keychains and pencils and whathaveyou). Andrew saw these nameplate things in a store and said he would look for my name and I was like "go ahead, you won't find it" 'cause I never do! And what in the world did he come across? MY NAME!!! I think I squealled in the store and then kept looking at it the rest of the day in disbelieve. So, there you have it. This is only the second thing in my life that has had my name on it (that wasn't specifically requested). SO FUN!!! I just had to share.

Here Andrew is trying Sea Foam for the first time. I think he liked it...
To cap off our afternoon at the beach (and for those that may be heading to Seaside sometime soon) we ate at a great little restaurant called McKeown's that was recommened to us by a local so of course we had to check it out. The place was cute, the food was quite tasty and the people were extremely friendly.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Quite a day... (and a long post)
First I got to hang out with a bug expert and artist extraordinaire. Haven is her name and she is one of the smartest going into 2nd graders I've ever met. And she's cute to boot. Anyway, she told me all about the bugs that she has at home (like praying mantises and their egg sacks - gross if you ask me) and then all the plastic bugs she was playing with in the office. She decided to draw pictures from the bugs view and then put the plastic creatures on the pictures so I could see just how they lived. It was all quite educational.
Here is the little artist at work
Oh, I am so glad these are plastic!
After work (yes, that was hard work folks. Do you know how much I don't like bugs?) Andrew and I went downtown so I could introduce him to my favorite place to get grilled fish taco's. Yum!
The restaurant is called Peppino's. It's a great little restaurant nestled into the middle of 23rd street that is just too fun to eat at 'cause it's got indoor and outdoor seating, the food is fabulous and cheap and it's fun and colorful inside. Oh and try and find the wobbly table, that always makes any meal a little more exciting. Can you tell I like my taco's?
Then we headed over to Mia Gelato's (well, after walking up and down and in and out of pretty much every shop that was open, which wasn't that many surprisingly) and had a little taste of Europe. Oh how I loves me some gelato! I mean, it's just so dang delicious and always tastes exactly like what they say it is. Yeah, I know that sounds weird, but it's not like regular ice cream and if you've ever eatin gelato then you know what I'm talkin' about. It's always so hard to choose between all the fabulous flavor's they offer, which leads me to another reason why I love gelato so much. They encourage you to taste, taste, taste them all. I love people and places like that. That should not come as a surprise if you know me at all. I'm a taster and a nibbler. Hmmm...that was totally beside the point. Coming back to gelato. Yes, Andrew, I'll stop rambling and get to the point. :) I had their cinnamon (oh my gosh it was SO GOOD!) and Andrew had their peach sorbetto. It was quite tasty as well, especially when I took a little bit of his and meshed it with a little bit of mine. Wow, dare I say it was a little taste of heaven? Hello, cinnamon and fruit!
ANYWAY, it was a great day and evening and I just had to share all the wonderful things I enjoyed with you, my few and faithful readers. :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
PAMIC members UNITE!!!
Oh how I love my country!

Monday, August 11, 2008
Fessing up
I say all this because - GUESS WHAT?!?! I've been running more at the gym! It's crazy, but true. I don't even understand it. Well, I do. Hood 2 Coast is coming and I realized that I really needed to actually try and train for it this year, especially since my first leg is leg 2 and pretty much downhill all the way (it starts at Government camp I believe). I'm also dating this guy who runs for 2 or 3 miles straight when he goes to the gym and couldn't tell him that he actually runs more than me on a regular basis. How pathetic am I? And I couldn't have him running more than me, no no (watch out folks, here comes Tabs competitive streak). Anyway, all that to say, I ran 6.5 miles straight this morning on the treadmill and I just wanted to share that oh-so-not-exciting news with everyone. It says a lot to me when I'm still feeling a little sore this afternoon but I do love that feeling because I know I'm doing something right. I'm also telling you this because I want to be accountable to all of you out there. I need to be accountable to someone (it helps sometimes, ya know?) and you guys seemed as good as anyone (any group). :) So, I'll be keeping you all in the loop, as I slack and as I up my miles or whatever. Who knows, maybe next year I'll finally get around to actually doing a full marathon. Oh, yikes!
Anyway, sorry to completely bore you all to tears but I had to share my thoughts and get this lie I've been living off my chest. :) I love you all, my faithful readers. Sorry I'm so lackadaisical in my blogging, hopefully I'll get better.
Have a great day!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Trip to Colorado
More pictures to come, don't you all worry. :)