My baby tree's one last time in their little green pot they called home for three (plus) weeks.

Filling their new home with brand new dirt (or top soil, whatever) bought just for them.

Their new home. It's so huge! They can finally stretch their roots a bit, that should feel nice. :)

Mom and I working together to plant the little greenies just right.

Me and my greenies in their new red-cracking paint home. :)

Their new home and my parents house by the pretty pink bush...much more exciting than my desk and office, I must admit.

This little guy will watch over my little greenies for me...I hope. He looks pretty stoik, I think I can trust him.

My mom got a little excited about all the planting we were doing that she had to go work on her own garden. Here she is planting some cherry tomato plants. Oh, I cannot wait for those to grow!! My mouth is watering just thinkin' about it.
And here are some pretty things growing in my mom's yard that I just had to get some pictures of. I don't know what they are but I sure do think they are fun to look at.

WOW your mom has pretty flowers. Also, your mom has an awesome garden! I like!
Yay for your greenies! I am so excited for them! Love them! Love you! Love, Rachel
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