It's that time again. Hood To Coast time.
And I am getting ready to head out the door to do my little part in the longest relay race in the world. I'm gonna meet up with the 5 other people that I'll be riding in a van with and cheering on for the next 24-30 hours. (There are actually 12 people on my team but the other six ride in another van...for those that aren't familiar with Hood 2 Coast).
But right now...I am so ready for this to be over. I love Hood to Coast. Ask anyone that knows me. I look forward to the running, the pain, the laughter, the cramped van, the random snippets of uncomfortable sleep, the cheering on of teammates and non teammates, the food, lines at the porta-potty's, the crazy outfits of other teams, the road's a fabulous time, honest.
But this morning, right now, all I'm thinking about is being done and being home tomorrow night in my bed with my husband. And the fact that I haven't been working out much lately and eating much more than I should be...I'm not in nearly the running shape that I normally am when I do Hood 2 Coast. It makes me a tad bit nervous. It'll be okay though, right? Right? Yeah, I know it will. It'll be great. I'll be sore, but I'll come home with more great memories to add to the old ones, new friends, and maybe even a renewed and refreshed self.
I'll catch ya'll on the flip side. Have a great weekend!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Who came up with the idea of "being in a funk" anyway?
I'm in a funk.
It's a little bit scary.
But ya know, sometimes funks are necessary...maybe that's why they are scary...
They are necessary for some folks because they make you stop and think.
and re-evaluate...
maybe mourn...
definitely slow down...
find or take joy in new things...
maybe find or take joy in old things...
Move on.
That's where I'm at, where I'm going, & where I want to be. But while this process is taking place I will try to slow down, look around me, take it all in and enjoy life just as it is. Right. Where. I'm at. Right. Now.
Basically, I think I need to figure out, search and find out who this Tabitha Jones is.
There have been a lot of major changes in my life in the last year, wouldn't you agree? And I have a feeling that there are many more to come in the next year...and I don't want them to pass me by without being fully and completely enjoyed and learned from.
That's all I got for now. At least about that. I have lots of pictures from this past weekend that I'll be posting soon. Very soon. But first I had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening friends. I appreciate it very much.
It's a little bit scary.
But ya know, sometimes funks are necessary...maybe that's why they are scary...
They are necessary for some folks because they make you stop and think.
and re-evaluate...
maybe mourn...
definitely slow down...
find or take joy in new things...
maybe find or take joy in old things...
Move on.
That's where I'm at, where I'm going, & where I want to be. But while this process is taking place I will try to slow down, look around me, take it all in and enjoy life just as it is. Right. Where. I'm at. Right. Now.
Basically, I think I need to figure out, search and find out who this Tabitha Jones is.
There have been a lot of major changes in my life in the last year, wouldn't you agree? And I have a feeling that there are many more to come in the next year...and I don't want them to pass me by without being fully and completely enjoyed and learned from.
That's all I got for now. At least about that. I have lots of pictures from this past weekend that I'll be posting soon. Very soon. But first I had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening friends. I appreciate it very much.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Two things
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Racing, more racing, and wait...even more racing.
This last weekend was a long one. But a good one. But a long one. Let's see it all in pictures:
Friday night, Scott raced in the Portland Twilight Criterium...and placed 5th! WAY TO GO BABE!!
My dad and I enjoying the beer garden at the event
Melissa, myself, and my crazy pops
I think that's him
A special prize for 5th place
the proud wife
The tired but happy racer
Saturday we got up bright and early, enjoyed a lovely breakfast then headed to Longview to officiate a day of races, called Longview Grand Prix Criterium.
Out of the mess...
comes blueberry and chocolate chip waffles.
the finished product: waffles, mushroom & fennel focacia bread with goat cheese, turkey bacon and blueberries = yum.
Don't ya love the mint green shirts?
all the computer screens that Scott gets to look at all day.
one of my many (read - few) jobs
Sally and Scott during a lull in the racing
Oh my gosh, check out all those bugs. They came out in full force...thank goodness they didn't bite. Just ultra annoying.
Sunday we watched Jeff do his first Triathlon. Talk about intense and highly crazy. But he made it through and we are so proud of him!
Ready to go!
Waiting for Jeff to get the show on the road
I can see him, can't you? They swim for just a little over 1 mile, I think. There are a lot of flailing elbows and feet, ya gotta be careful or you'll come out with a black eye or a broken rib...just from the swim.
Scott making sure the bike is ready

getting one last swig of water before jumping on the bike for the 57 mile ride.

Let's get rid of this ride and move on to the next and final part of this shin-dig, the half marathon length run.
One last stretch
getting the 13.1 miles started...poor guy...
getting a bit to eat along the way
Giving some encouragement and support
And here he comes, the end is in sight!
there he goes across the finish line (his time was 7 hours and 26 minutes, the time you see is from the start of the first swimmers). Not too shabby AT ALL!
a kiss shared between a proud wife to a tired and accomplished husband
all done and refueling
the matching tattoo's...I really do love this picture
Bein goofy in the car after a very long but very eventful and fun weekend.
Check out all the sun we got. Yikes!
And that's all finally all folks!
Friday night, Scott raced in the Portland Twilight Criterium...and placed 5th! WAY TO GO BABE!!

Saturday we got up bright and early, enjoyed a lovely breakfast then headed to Longview to officiate a day of races, called Longview Grand Prix Criterium.

Sunday we watched Jeff do his first Triathlon. Talk about intense and highly crazy. But he made it through and we are so proud of him!

And that's all finally all folks!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Yes, people, newbies can be cute
Okay, I do generally think that most babies when they are born are cute...I can be one of those people. I do know, however, that there can be a not so cute baby that comes down the pike now and again too.
This little guy?


Oh, and I should probably mention that this sweet little angel is Kekoa (his mom is going to kill me for most likely spelling that wrong) and is our newest little nephew. He belongs to Becky (Scott's sister) and her husband Dustin.
I would like to add that my husband apparently has a gift with babies. We aren't sure what it was that he did exactly, but moments after the picture above was taken, that sweet little boy (who hadn't peed since arriving in this world not even 24 hours earlier) finally let out a good warm stream...all the way through his diaper, the onesie, AND the blanket and right onto Scott's shirt. Greatest moment ever. Not gonna lie. Sorry babe, but it's true. (Love you!)
He'd just gotten done telling us all in the room how Dakota (Becky's son, who's 12) never peed on him and that he knows all the tricks to the trade of changing diapers. I guess Kekoa wanted to show Scott that it doesn't always come during diaper changing time...and probably wanted to show Scott who really was going to be boss here, no matter the age. Poor Scott.
This little guy?


Oh, and I should probably mention that this sweet little angel is Kekoa (his mom is going to kill me for most likely spelling that wrong) and is our newest little nephew. He belongs to Becky (Scott's sister) and her husband Dustin.
I would like to add that my husband apparently has a gift with babies. We aren't sure what it was that he did exactly, but moments after the picture above was taken, that sweet little boy (who hadn't peed since arriving in this world not even 24 hours earlier) finally let out a good warm stream...all the way through his diaper, the onesie, AND the blanket and right onto Scott's shirt. Greatest moment ever. Not gonna lie. Sorry babe, but it's true. (Love you!)
He'd just gotten done telling us all in the room how Dakota (Becky's son, who's 12) never peed on him and that he knows all the tricks to the trade of changing diapers. I guess Kekoa wanted to show Scott that it doesn't always come during diaper changing time...and probably wanted to show Scott who really was going to be boss here, no matter the age. Poor Scott.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Oh my goodness. I have to share with you what I just ate. It was ever so delicious and if you know me at all you'll know that when I like something I must tell everyone about it...and what better way to spread the word than through my blog. :)
I just enjoyed a little 80 cal White Chocolate Macadamia Luna bar. They have started making some of their popular flavors in smaller sizes and then packaging them up in boxes of 18 (which includes 3 different flavors). It's such a great idea and I wish more health bars would do this. Its the perfect size for a little snack along with some fruit or yogurt. Also you're not locked into only one flavor, you have options...and I am all about options! Anyway, Luna's White Chocolate Macadamia is not too sweet, not too waxy. The flavors of the white chocolate and macadamia are actually able to be tasted and enjoyed and not overpowered by that recognizable "this is healthy and supposed to be good for me" know what I'm talking about don't you? The other two flavors in my box are Lemon Zest and Peanut Butter Cookie and I can't wait to try them!
Today is National Polka Festival day and National Rice Pudding day. Um...yeah...I think I'll pass on celebrating either, thanks though.
Oh, and we got a Wii Fit this weekend. Yesterday (our lazy, oh so wonderfully lazy, day) we got it all set up and ready to go and try out some of the games and what not. After the not so fun weigh in/real age business they torture you with it was down right fun. Oh, except when I couldn't figure out how to jump and kept falling off the obstacle course and starting over...oh I was not a happy camper. The hula hooping is probably my least to watch. :)
Read this quote the other day and it really made me stop and think...and slow down to enjoy the moment...
I just enjoyed a little 80 cal White Chocolate Macadamia Luna bar. They have started making some of their popular flavors in smaller sizes and then packaging them up in boxes of 18 (which includes 3 different flavors). It's such a great idea and I wish more health bars would do this. Its the perfect size for a little snack along with some fruit or yogurt. Also you're not locked into only one flavor, you have options...and I am all about options! Anyway, Luna's White Chocolate Macadamia is not too sweet, not too waxy. The flavors of the white chocolate and macadamia are actually able to be tasted and enjoyed and not overpowered by that recognizable "this is healthy and supposed to be good for me" know what I'm talking about don't you? The other two flavors in my box are Lemon Zest and Peanut Butter Cookie and I can't wait to try them!
Today is National Polka Festival day and National Rice Pudding day. Um...yeah...I think I'll pass on celebrating either, thanks though.
Oh, and we got a Wii Fit this weekend. Yesterday (our lazy, oh so wonderfully lazy, day) we got it all set up and ready to go and try out some of the games and what not. After the not so fun weigh in/real age business they torture you with it was down right fun. Oh, except when I couldn't figure out how to jump and kept falling off the obstacle course and starting over...oh I was not a happy camper. The hula hooping is probably my least to watch. :)
Read this quote the other day and it really made me stop and think...and slow down to enjoy the moment...
“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”
― Bill Watterson
Friday, August 6, 2010
Random statement:
I am not a sprint runner. I am a long distance runner. I do not enjoy sprinting or running all out. I enjoy running along at a nice reasonable clip (for me) and seeing just how far I can go.
Just thought I'd share.
Just thought I'd share.
Our first dance...
The Very Thought Of You

The very thought of you and I forget to do
The little ordinary things that everyone ought to do
I'm living in a kind of daydream
I'm happy as a king
And foolish though it may seem
Why to me that's everything
The mere idea of you, the longing here for you
You'll never know how slow the moments go till I'm near to you
I see your face in every flower
Your eyes in stars above
It's just the thought of you
The very thought of you, my love

You'll never know how slow the moments go till I'm near to you
I see your face in every flower
Your eyes in stars above
It's just the thought of you
The very thought of you, my love

Here are some pictures from Scott's little birthday celebration:

Here was the view from our little seat

And here are some uninvited guests.

They have all these yum little bite-sized desserts. Its great. I love it.

We also ordered their chocolate raspberry torte but ate it too fast to get a picture.
And yes, we had a picnic dinner with wine and dessert, then went to have drinks, more dinner type food, and dessert somewhere else...we like to eat good food on special occasions. So? I will say that that part of the evening wasn't planned. It just sort of happened. And I'm so very glad it did. We had a great time and I think Scott thoroughly enjoyed his 33rd birthday.
Happy Birthday Scott! I love you! Ever so very much.
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