I don't really have a lot to say at the moment...well, okay, I do have a lot to say, I am a babbler am I not, but I don't have any pictures to put up which makes this entry rather boring and therefore short.
I was told last night by one Rakel Thurman that I need to get back into a better habit of blogging. I have known this for awhile but things have been crazy around here (when are they not crazy) and I haven't had a chance to download my pictures from my Cali trip yet. To make her, my wonderful readers (all 5 of you), and myself happy I thought I would just give a quick update with what has happened in the last few weeks in my life.
In the middle of July I went down to California with my high school group as a leader which was a total blast! The high school kids, as squirley as they are, were so much fun. It was fun to watch them step up (a few stepped out of their comfort zones which was so cool to see) and lead the 5-day clubs and even lead a few kids to Christ (42 I think was the total number at the end of the week). They even helped bring a 2 of their own peers to Christ during the week which was amazing! I was totally amazed at how open and transparent these kids became with each other in the course of just a few days. They have even been keeping each other accountable now that they are home. I love it! I had been on the verge of backing out of the trip at the last moment (I wouldn't have actually done it cause I hate it when people do that) because it had been such a stressful and tiring week before we left and I thought I would be coming back to even more things to do with moving out of my apartment and all but I am so glad that the Lord kept me on that team. I feel like it helped me see a new side to these kids and get a new appreciation and love for the ministry that I help and work in. I think the Lord also put me on that particular team to let me see another side of one Steve Keels. The man knows what he's doing when it comes to high school students. He had an answer for everything, and when we followed what he said, it always seemed to work...go figure. I have a new appreciation that man. Plus he's a fun guy, who loves Starbucks. :) I also had a great time getting to know Zach, Kelsey, Blake, the Joys, and Deanne better. I just have to say that my church is filled with some pretty amazing people. I am so blessed to be here, and even more blessed to be working here. Let me just end this little blurb about my Cali trip by saying that I had a blast, everyone on my team was awesome, and I can't wait to go again next year. Oh, and I got a tan, which has always been pretty difficult for me. It makes me excited for Kauaii (which is only a month away!!!).
Lets see, after we got back from Cali I had two days off, which was wonderful! Then it was right back to work to get ready for the Jr. High retreat and the Montana Out of Town team. The Jr. High retreat went off with out much of a hitch (at least I think so) but the Montana trip was a little bit of a challenge. We ended up on having a bus driver so after many, many, many hours of prayer and phone calls (most of which made by Ryan) we pulled together 5 suberbans and enough drivers to get the team on their way Saturday morning at 6:00 am. And do you want to know just how desperate we were for drivers? My mom is right now enjoying the beautiful scenery that Montana has to offer. I am so excited that she got to go. I think it will be really fun for her. She was excited to work with the kids and to help cook (Jill was pretty exstatic about that last part too). I'll have to tell you all about that when they get back but they had some fun leaders and a great group of kids so I know they are going to have a blast!
Last night my roommate got married. It was a beautiful wedding and she was an absolutely gorgeous bride...very radiant, very happy, very relaxed. Her dress was stunning, too! The chruched turned out great and so did the place where they had the reception. Stu officiated at the wedding and did a great job. I just love that guy, he's such great fun! You can tell that he adores each and everyone one of his family memebers so very much. I should mention that her colors were a teal sort of blue and brown, very very nice together. We had a catered dinner which was very delicious, and the cake was oh so very yummy as well. I even got to see some friends that I haven't seen in a long time, so all in all it was a great evening! There was no dancing or throwing of the bouquet or garter, which most of my friends don't like but I just love (although the times that I haven't caught the bouquet have obviously not done me any good). I had fun living with Annie and she will be missed when she heads off to her new life in Chicago with her wonderful new husband (whom I just think the world of). But she will forever be in our prayers! And who knows, maybe we'll take a road trip over to visit her sometime. That would be fun! Hmmmm.... (Oh, and I must mention that we threw Annie a very, very fun personal shower. Tracy and Jamie did fantastic jobs with setting up and making it look, feel, and taste fantastic! Jamie made little personal cakes for everyone, it was so cute! I won't go into anymore detail except to say that we had some great laughs and a sweet time celebrating our dear friend Annie!).
Now, I'm just house sitting for some family friends, watering their flowers and eating all the tomatoes I want from their backyard garden (I have so much lycopene in my system I don't think I'll ever get sick again, and I think I might turn red soon...yikes!). It was so perfectly planned by the Lord. I moved out at the end of July to this house sitting job (keeping me from having to move home with my parents AND my brother, no thank you) and I should be finding out today if I am approved to move into an apartment at the beginning of September. How perfect is that. And all without the stress that I usually have with that kind of stuff. I guess I just knew the Lord would take care of it, he wouldn't leave me to live on the streets. Why can't I be more trusting when it comes to other aspects of my life? Hmmm, an interesting thought and a good lesson to be learned. Its going to be great cause I will move into my apartment at the beginning of Sept., head to Kauai and hang there with my sis, Karl and Marilee and then come back with Marilee to show her my new apartment and give her the guided tour of P-town. Oh, I really cannot wait!!!
And oh my gosh, this post is so very long, I am so sorry!!! I totally understand if you don't read this whole thing. If I were to read I'd probably bore myself to teats too. Also, for those of you who read it and were there for any of these events, please don't be mad if I left anything out. I can't touch everything, nor would you want me to. I have had a busy few weeks but its all been very fun!!
Now I must get back to work! Loves to you all!
Tabsoops on the whole "this will be short" thing... :)