And here are a few of my not so favorites... (can we say too much fabric and too much bling?)

Anyone have any others they would like to mention?
This is a picture of the birthday card they all signed and gave to me. Inside it said "Have a happy, healthy birthday!" How appropriate!
Actually, just the big, colorful bag was sitting on my desk (which is an early birthday present from my dear friend Carolyne Sharpe. Love you!) and then my mom and Kathy Anderson, a family friend, came by and dropped off the balloon, flower, little bag of yummy goodies and a card (which was actually from my parents. Love you, too!!). So, what a great way to start the morning, huh? Anyone else want to share their Valentine's Day stories? I'd love to hear them!
Following are a few pictures from a night out with the girls last Thursday.
Here are a few pictures from Holli's and my shared birthday dinner and our oh so yumtastic cake!
Just a few facts for you: this food is low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Niacin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Potassium and Manganese, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber (2g) and Vitamin C.
So...eat up!
#2. The Vitalicious Dreamy Drizzle Chocolate Supreme Vitacake. Oh dear, this was such a delicious cake I can't even tell you. I wish I had my picture of it to show you (left the camera at home, sorry) but my piece of cake looked surprisingly like the one pictured below, whipped cream and everything. I have talked about the vitatops and muffins that this wonderful company makes and how delicious those are but they actually aren't as good as this cake. Which is probably a good thing, I don't think I could eat it every day. It was decadent, moist, chewy, all those good things that come together to make up a fabulously, delicious cake. When you order them you get two small cakes and since we only ate one cake the other night there is still one more left in my parents freezer. Who wants a bite?
Well, I'm sure I've sufficiently bored you all to death with my talk of food. Oh well, it's my blog and I can talk about what I want to. I just hope I have inspired at least one person to get out there and try something new. If you do, please come back and let me know (actually come back and leave a comment so everyone will know). Maybe I should change the name of my blog to reflect all the food posts. Hmmm, any ideas?
Have a great day everyone!!
only 4 more days till my birthday!
Nearly 100% of dieters in a recent study shut down midnight hunger pains after drinking a glass of water.
Pop will dissolve a t-bone steak in 2 days.
Pop will remove car battery corrosion.
I should also add that Pop (even diet pop) leeches calcium from your bones (SO NOT GOOD!!!)
There should be no problem in determining this winner! Congratulations to Water, drink up everyone!
Oh, and a few other things about pop:Click the picture below if you want to read an article about this growing epidemic.
I happen to know that the three most popular fruits American buy are apples, oranges, and banana's (I help this statistic, I eat a lot of those fruits, too).
Sorry Ryan and Brandon, I talked about food again. GET OVER IT! :)