Friday, August 31, 2007
An hilarious and yet sad quote from my dad
Tabitha - "I am so excited about this, dad. I can't wait to come back and get some tomorrow! (insert happy dance). In fact, I might have to get some on my way home tonight cause I don't know if I can wait till tomorrow to try it."
Dad - (laughing) "You don't have much of a life, do you?"
(no more happy dancing)
Yeah, I'm a freak and even my dad knows it.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Quite a pickle
This does not bode well for our little "Office, Grey's Thursdays."
I can't say anything else for fear of what my fingers might type with the anger and confusion that is raging through me at this moment.
Just less than a month away folks...

Monday, August 27, 2007
One more times
6.08 miles / ran it in 45 minutes and 29 seconds / averages down to 7 min. 28 second per mile
Leg #17:
5.69 miles / ran it in 41 minutes and 49 seconds / averages down to 7 min. 20 sec per mile
Leg #29
6.14 miles / ran it in 49 minutes and 17 seconds / averages down to 8 min 10 sec per mile
Hope that makes sense. :)
And Killer Snails do it again...

Sorry it is such a far away picture but this is Holly, she ran our van's third legs. She was a newbie to the whole world of Hood to Coast and really did an amazing job!
Here is Barb, our van's 4th leg runner. She also did amazingly well. That's her husband, Dan (the Hulk), giving her water. He is one fast dude.
And here is Tony (the tiger). He is a quiet fellow, but very nice and a great runner. FYI: he is not good to have sit in the front seat while your running because he doesn't like to yell out the window. Here I am running up the hill (aka. mountain) that was my last leg (#29).

This year, Nike gave every team two ROAD KILL signs to put on the side of their vans. Very nice of them, I think...and smart. Here is ours at the end of our trip:Our total:
And here are me and my gals waiting for the rest of our team at the wet beach: Holly on the left and Barb on the right. Yeah, I know, I should have worn a jacket.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
One more thing about Tabs
Also, I think I use exclamation points too much. What do you think?
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (If you don’t have a blog, email me)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
#1: I am not a camper. I hate to plan the trip, I hate to pack for the trip and I hate, hate, and hate to clean up after the trip. Everything about getting to and from the camp ground is something I despise. I don’t even really like sleeping in a tent.
#2: I need change. But then again, I don’t. It’s kind of funny. I need/have to for sanity sake change things around in my office or apartment every so often or I start to get stir crazy and start to think I need to move or something. However, I have been eating the same breakfast for 3 years now and have no desire to change it (and get a little sad when I have to). Just rearranging things on my desk or kitchen counters calms my “gotta move” nerves.
#3: I love Harry Potter!! I enjoy the movies but the books are so much better!! I just finished reading the last book and it was SO GOOD! Now I want to go back and read all 7 of them in quick succession.
#4: I love, love, LOVE living by myself. I get to decide: how the apartment will be decorated and where everything will go, who comes over and how long they stay, the temperature, and what I walk around in at any given time.
#5: I love getting all dressed up in fancy clothes to go out on the town. I also just love to wear skirts and dresses to work or to the movies or just to run errands. It makes me feel feminine and pretty, which is a good thing cause I'm a girl.
#6: I am not a concert goer. They are almost always in the middle of the week (and I do not do well staying up late in the middle of the week, or any other day for that matter), the crowds are terrible when it’s time to leave (making my night even later), and the cost is more than I care to spend. I am just fine and dandy with buying my favorite artists CD’s and listening to them croon whenever I want. If I had backstage passes and was going to be able to talk with the band/singer/whatever then maybe I’d go but since all I’m paying for is exactly what I could be doing in the comfort of my car or home, what’s the point? Now, don’t jump down my throat those of you who love going to concerts. This is only my very personal opinion and I completely understand and appreciate others wanting to enjoy this pastime. I do, however, like Concerts in the Park or Shakespeare in the Park. These are usually in the afternoons and you can bring blankets and a picnic, and its generally free, all very good things. J
#7: I have peed my pants on many occasions. And no, I am not talking about when I was a baby. I am talking about peeing my pants because someone has told me a funny story, because I am trying to unlock my front door as fast as humanly possible with one hand while trying to balance my groceries in the other, I’m running a race and don’t want to take the time to find a spot off the track to go which will then slow me down and ruin my race time.
#8: Three stores I swear by: Trader Joes. The best grocery store ever, just wish they would put one in Gresham then I would love it even more…if that is possible. IKEA. They put one in Portland and it is AMAZING!!! We don’t have to spend a whole day or weekend just to make one shopping trip anymore. I can sit in traffic, get in, shop around, eat dinner, get out and get home in less than three hours…amazing! H&M. Super fun and funky clothes with low price tags, can’t beat that. I hear they are going to be putting one in Portland and I can hardly wait.
Hmmm, who to tag. Bekah, Kristin, the red heads, Trina, Marilee, Tams, Alison V., and Faith.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
It's that time of year again

Oh, good ol' family time

My cool do-rag and three of the 5 ladders we were using.
I am holding the poll. That was my job while we were putting up the awning. When that was done, I held the box of screws. I worked really hard. I liked my spot because I was in the middle of it all listening and laughing, it was good times.
Sam and her ever popular tongue pose. She was the awning puller. Talk about muscle woman.
my brother, Guy, the very helpful helper. One of his important jobs: keep everyone happy and argument free.
Karl: "Can someone hold my lader?"
Guy: "I got it."
We really tried to keep things safe on this little family DIY project, can't you tell?
Guy really liked holding the ladder for people. Such a helpful brother.
Getting SO close to having the project halfway done. Oh, and check out Karls hat. Mister Macdaddy. Watch ladies, he's taken.
And here you can see Sam over in the back going up onto the roof to put in all the screws to hold this sucker in place. Poor thing, she was on the roof in the heat of the day wearing a long sleeve shirt so she wouldn't burn. She was a trooper that day! We all were (me being the least trooperish). Way to go family! It was fun but I'm glad it's over and we don't have to that ever again.
The Shed