Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Father/Daughter Banquet

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Check out...
My new favorite cookie

Friday, December 14, 2007
My new favorite word
According to Dictionary.com
1. Nautical. a. an open cask of drinking water.
b. a drinking fountain for use by the crew of a vessel.
2. Informal. rumor or gossip.
Wikipedia says: Scuttlebutt in nautical terminology is a water fountain or water cask on a ship. It is now more commonly used as slang for "information" or "gossip". It also is the name of a competitive event at many Sea Scout regattas.
On sailing ships, water for immediate consumption was conventionally stored in a scuttled butt: a butt (cask or small barrel) which had been scuttled by making a hole in it so the water could be withdrawn. Since sailors exchanged gossip when they gathered at the scuttlebutt for a drink of water, scuttlebutt became Navy slang for gossip or rumors.
Some things never change do they? Then it was called a scuttlebutt, now it's called a water cooler. Tomato, TomAto.
A baby and his cookie
Monday, December 10, 2007
more baking...

Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas questions
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I do a little bit of both. I don't really care about either I just love watching people open the gifts.
2. Real or Artificial tree? I love real but have an artificial tree right now. I would totally kill a real one if I had one.
3. When do you put up the tree? I try to get it up the weekend after Thanksgiving but if that doesn't happen then as soon as possible.
4. When do you take the tree down? Oh, I don't know, after Christmas sometime. No deadline, just when I get the time. Definitely NOT before New Years though.
5. Do you like Eggnog? Eh, not a huge fan...or a small one for that matter.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yep, a little cheap thing from the Dollar store. But at least I have one. :)
8. Hardest person to buy for? I think I have to say my dad. He's not really that super hard to buy for but like most dad's, when my dad wants something, he just goes and buys it for himself. That makes things slightly difficult...I think we got him all figured out this year though. Yay!
9. Easiest person to buy for? Mom. With her, the rule of thumb is Starbucks gifts cards, she LOVES THEM! Can't get enough.
11. Christmas Cards....Snail mail or E-mail? Snail mail, but I don't really do Christmas cards. :) Sorry friends.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Muppet Christmas Carol. I know almost all the words and all the songs. Please don't hate me if or when we watch the movie together, I will probably be annoying. :) My second (cause who can choose just one) is White Christmas. My third is Ernest Saves Christmas. My fourth is The Santa Clause. My fifth is...
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I don't know, it just sort of happens when it happens.
14. Have you ever "recycled" a Christmas present? I don't know that either. I really don't think I have but I can see myself doing that. Hmmm...
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cinnamon rolls from Pillsbury with orange icing. We eat it every Christmas morning. Yummers!
16. Clear lights or colored or both on the tree? I prefer white lights but am not opposed to colored.
17. Favorite Christmas Song? Do not have one. I will say this though. I love the WHOLE Carpenters Christmas Portrait album...every last song. LOVE IT!!
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Well, I'm not opposed to traveling, but Santa (which means my parents) needs to be near by to be able to put my stocking on my bed for when I wake up Christmas morning.
20. Do you have an Angel or a Star on top of your tree? I have a star. For the longest time my parents had an angel that my dad and I called the Angry Angel. We made it together at some military family Christmas party way back in the day and when my dad drew the face, he gave her sort of angry eyebrows so she looked like she was always scowling down on us. So funny.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning? One on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas morning. If my mom had her way we would open one every hour to make them spread out longer. Too bad mom, your vetoed.
23. Shopping...Mall or on-line or both? Mall, online, little boutiques, Fred's, you name it, I'll go.
24. Do you decorate outside for Christmas or just inside (or at all?) both inside and outside
25. Favorite Christmas cookie? I love them all!!
26. Do you own Christmasy clothing or jewelry? Nope, not a thing. And I'm okay with that, thank you.
27. Do you believe in Santa Claus? No. And I was not brought up believing in Santa. My parents never lied to me about it, probably from birth. In fact, once I told my friend (I was probably in 1st grade or something) that Santa wasn't real. She told her parents what I had said and her dad, who just happened to be my dad's ranking officer (his boss), called my dad and kinda sorta chewed him out. hehehe, I love that story.
Here are a few of the questions I couldn't think of answers for at this moment. I didn't change the numbers, sorry.
10. Worst Christmas gift ever received?
6. Favorite Gift you received as a child?
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
19. Can you name Santa's Reindeer?
Now, go out and blog your own answers friends!!
"feels like cashmere"
Friday, November 30, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
COOKIES and a random picture

Oh, and here is someone that is not so excited. My dad emailed me this picture yesterday that was taken at Christmas last year.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Christmas baking

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Girls Night Out and a beautiful Sunrise

Also, changing directions...yesterday was an absolutely beautiful sunrise that I just had to snap some pictures to share with you all (sorry if they aren't that great).

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Hi friends!
Today at work, Ruthie needed half&half for her coffee but there was none in the fridge in the mail room. She, being the random sweety that I just cherish, turned to me and said she would time me to see how long it took me to run to the kitchen and and back and grab a new half&half carton. I, being the crazy runner who jumps at a challenge, took off a-runnin'. I made it back in 1 minute and 14 seconds (she might have to correct me, I was huffing and puffing when she told me the time so I didn't quite catch it all). It was fun. :) I love random things like that. Next time it will have to be a race with someone. :)
Let's see...oh, I think everyone should do one good thing for environment. Doesn't have to be huge but if we all did just one thing to help it really would make a difference. I heard that statement from a very dear friend of mine who said her one thing is to buy laundry and dish detergent in that is more concentrated but comes in smaller containers. Mine is to not use the plastic bags at grocery stores. I have a plethora of cloth sacks and bags that I have collected from Fred's and Trader Joes, to name a few, and from a website called Reusable Bags (check it out, they sell A LOT of stuff and they make for great gifts). If I don't have those on hand I try to remember (notice I said "try to remember") to ask the person helping me to put my stuff in a paper bag. Once I had them re-bag it for me. But it was great because I got to explain to the young checker what my deal was and he totally got it (well, at least pretended for my benefit). There are some crazy, expensive and time consuming ideas out there but all you need to do it find something that you know you can actually accomplish on some sort of regular basis, you could make a difference. :) Call me a tree-hugger, I don't care. Here are a few different places you can check out to get some simple, easy ideas:
Making a difference
Green Living tips
And here are a couple websites that you might find interesting:
National Geographic
Green Living
Lastly, here are a few pictures from way back in September when Roxanna and Sophia came to town:
Sophia eating her soybeans, but really wanting the chocolate

Holli and Sophia reading a book (if you look closely, you can see Sophia multitasking by talking on her cell at the same time)

So, this entry is long and all over the place...sorry.
:) Tabs out
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Alumni who?
Yesterday when I came into work I was shushed by a couple of 1st graders on their way to music class. Cutest thing. I love working in the school building (but I love that I am not a part of the school).
I have to give a little shout out to my friend Beks who was showed what it is to be a true friend when she swept all the cobwebs away from my door the other night. She also swept up the hugest, nastiest dead spider that I had killed a few nights before that. I'll give you the overall recap on that scary incident: 4:30 am Wednesday morning, there was a battle on my door step between me and a freakin' huge spider who had made a web across my staircase. Some instruments that were involved in this battle were my broom (who's new home is on the front step by the welcome mat), a bottle of wasp spray and my welcome mat (envision me throwing tossing the welcome mat on the wasp spray-covered spider and jumping up and down while whimpering like the little girl that I am). I'm sure it was quite the sight. ANYWAY, all that to say a HUGE THANK YOU! to Bekah, you are fabulous, thanks for being a better friend than me.

And lastly I just want to add that I LOVE the song Grace Kelly by MIKA. If you haven't heard it, go visit iTunes and buy it, you will just love it!! It's a super fun and catchy tune. :)
Have a great day everyone!! Love you all!
One last parting comment and then I really will be done.
I got a card in the mail from a friend recently that had Winnie the Pooh and Piglet walking hand in hand on the front and said "Friendship,' said Pooh, 'is a very comforting thing." Seriously, nobody can say it better than Pooh.
Monday, October 29, 2007
A Sunday stroll

Friday, October 19, 2007
We painted...
Here are some before pictures. As you will be able to tell, we were sampling paints at this point.

And the after shots...

Friday, October 12, 2007
No more matching cup
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My new favorite cup

I should mention that our trip to Ikea followed Sam's birthday party (he turned 4, oh my goodness). A good time was had by all...well, except maybe Sam who kept wanting to know where the toy was every time he opened a present that was a book or if he just wasn't happy with that particular "toy." Ah, to be 4 again. Lisa and Erik were there too, along with their little ones, David and Kira. p> Grant and Grant (Rach's little boy)

Sam getting ready to blow out his pink candles. Sheesh, that looks like a huge flame.David thoroughly enjoying his bowling ball cupcake...well, at least the frosting part.
My mom holding little Kira (so cute). Now mom, don't get too attached, I think Mary and Tom will notice if they are missing a grandchild.
Oh, look at little Sam and David playing. Can I just say again how weirdly fun and cool it is when your friends have kids and you get to watch them grow up and look and act like their parents? CRAZINESS! But I love it!