This morning he sweetly, kindly, lovingly, reminded me that the appropriate color of attire for a memorial service is black...not the green and brown I was thinking of sporting. Not the green and brown I always find myself wearing as I walk into a sea of black . Yeah, because this would not have been the first time it's happened...seriously, what is my deal?
So thanks smart and well mannered husband of mine. I love you and love how you are helping me be better out in public and society. ;)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Our dog
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
This video is so funny...and very true to cyclists
It was made by some guys here in should recognize some of the scenery if you live around these parts. Another funny thing about this video, and just point proving that the cycling world is very intimate and VASTLY different from the running world, is that Scott knows the guys who made this video AND all the girls "dancing" in the background. They all race - therefore he knows them.
Oh, how I do love and enjoy my cyclist husband.

(I must tell you that this wife understands and appreciates the shaved legs...just sayin)
PS. Today is 2 months since Scott and I were married and did not utter those two special words, I do. Yes, you read that right. My dad, the preacher man who has done PLENTY of weddings, forgot that section of the vows. So, when I see my dad I like to remind him of this by saying, "Hey Dad, how's it going? We are still living in sin thanks to you...but whatever." Anyway, 2 months. What fun we've had and how fast they have flown by. And what a better count up than the previous countdown (not that it wasn't fun in it's own right).

We sure do love to kiss, don't we? No complaints here!!
Sorry to bombard you with pictures, I just love them all so much...and this is my there! ;)
Oh, how I do love and enjoy my cyclist husband.
Enjoy the video!

(I must tell you that this wife understands and appreciates the shaved legs...just sayin)
PS. Today is 2 months since Scott and I were married and did not utter those two special words, I do. Yes, you read that right. My dad, the preacher man who has done PLENTY of weddings, forgot that section of the vows. So, when I see my dad I like to remind him of this by saying, "Hey Dad, how's it going? We are still living in sin thanks to you...but whatever." Anyway, 2 months. What fun we've had and how fast they have flown by. And what a better count up than the previous countdown (not that it wasn't fun in it's own right).

Sorry to bombard you with pictures, I just love them all so much...and this is my there! ;)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What should the caption read?
Monday, May 17, 2010
This weekend
I saw two different men pee off the side of their bicycles.
Yeah, I know. You feel dirty just thinking of that, don't you? Just imagine SEEING IT!!! So gross and wrong! Seriously, so shocked was I.
If your curious, the reason I was "lucky" enough to catch a glimpse of something I would like to never, ever see again, is because I was with Scott while he did some officiating at a cycling race in Silverton , Oregon. I sure do love doing that with him. I like watching the guys to see if they are crossing the yellow line or littering...gotta keep 'em in line ya know.
My favorite Scott quote from yesterday yelled from the car to a rider - "STOP DANCING ACROSS MY ROAD!" You do not want to mess with this chief official! :) But that's his way of telling the guys to stay off the yellow line (they get a warning if they do and can be penalized if they keep it up). Love it!
Yeah, I know. You feel dirty just thinking of that, don't you? Just imagine SEEING IT!!! So gross and wrong! Seriously, so shocked was I.
If your curious, the reason I was "lucky" enough to catch a glimpse of something I would like to never, ever see again, is because I was with Scott while he did some officiating at a cycling race in Silverton , Oregon. I sure do love doing that with him. I like watching the guys to see if they are crossing the yellow line or littering...gotta keep 'em in line ya know.
My favorite Scott quote from yesterday yelled from the car to a rider - "STOP DANCING ACROSS MY ROAD!" You do not want to mess with this chief official! :) But that's his way of telling the guys to stay off the yellow line (they get a warning if they do and can be penalized if they keep it up). Love it!
I think I'm gonna talk with Scott about the idea of warnings being given out to people (women included, by the way...just ask Scott for that story sometime) when they pee off the side of their bike. Seriously, anyone ever heard of indecent exposure?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
This morning
I found this in my bathroom sink.
Not to worry folks, an animal did not die in my sink. This is what had happened...ain't he adorable when he's all clean shaven? (well, I think he's adorable all the time, but that's just me)

Oh, just so you know, he did clean up after himself. Yeah, 'cause he's great like that.

Oh, just so you know, he did clean up after himself. Yeah, 'cause he's great like that.
I told you we made pizza

And see that lovely pizza stone it's one? Yeah, when I took it out of the oven a piece (you can see this in the above picture) popped off. It wasn't like I dropped it or held it only on one conclusion is it must have had a small crack in it already and when it got all hot and bothered it just couldn't stand it anymore and jumped right off. Ps. it melted some of the lamenant on my floor...awesome. All in all, it was delicious pizza and we had a fun time using our pizza stone - once.
Cinco de Mayo date
For Cinco de Mayo, Scott and I went out to this fun little joint called Salvador Molly's (which I like to always call Molly Salvador's...not sure why). It was quite fun. If you live in the area you really need to check it out. They have a very fun and eclectic menu...and tasty Sangria if I do say so myself.
We started with: THE NEW DELHI TRIPLE-DIP...which is Baigan Choka, Smoked Onion-Sesame dip, and Cucumber-Mint Raita served with grilled flatbread, Tandoori chips & BereBere chips. Oh my goodness, so stinkin' good! Oh my word, those crispy chip type things were SO GOOD!! We should have just stopped there but oh no, we were celebratin'!
For Scott's dinner, he ordered the PAMPAS CHIMICHURRI STEAK (from Argentina): Fire-grilled blade steak with Argentine Chimichurri sauce. Served with garlic spinach, black beans, ‘dirty’ garlic mashers and charred tomato.
For my entree I went a little different (and not very Cindo de Mayoish, oh well) and ordered the DJIBOUTI INJERA PLATTER (from Ethiopia): Richly spiced African sauce simmered with fresh vegetables and slow-cooked lamb. Served atop Ethiopian Injera bread with curry red lentil dahl, peanut-ginger roasted sweet potato and garlic spinach.
Sadly, we did not have dessert...would have, but my husband was strong and said no for the both us...both our body's and our bank account thank us, btw.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
This and That
1) So, this morning I went on a fantastically long run...I think it's been several months since I've done anything close to the 8.7 miles I ran. If felt good...minus when my foot, around mile 6, decided to let me know in no uncertain terms that it was beyond time to get some new shoes, especially since racing season is finally back (for me at least). Also, both my iPod and heart rate monitor decided to act up at the beginning of my run. Thankfully the monitor got it's act together and figured out that my heart rate was not actually beating 200 beats a minute when I'd only been running for 30 seconds...just in case your curious, I am not in fact a Porsche 911. My iPod was the worst though. It wouldn't play what I wanted, wouldn't let me scroll, and wouldn't keep playing...just annoying. Sometimes I love technology (don't get me wrong, I love love love my iPod and heart monitor ever so much) but it can be so freaking frustrating at times. Seriously, if only we could live simpler lives again, when people ran without all this help and all these gadgets.
ALL that to say, it was good to get out and do a long run. Thank you God for the ability to be active, for the air to breathe to keep me going, and for the wonderful weather that gets me motivated to run.
2) I have taken on the task of updating the bulletin weekly. Let me tell you, that can really mess with your head. I am having to look to stuff happening next week and then someone comes in or calls wanting to talk about something this week, and I can't even being to think what day it is right now! Oy! But I do love doing it. It can such a challenge some weeks, and then other weeks it's a breeze. And since I get to decide what goes on the cover, I get to stretch and grow my creative skills (or lack there of).
Thank you Lord for giving me a job that stretches, challenges, encourages me to grow.
ALL that to say, it was good to get out and do a long run. Thank you God for the ability to be active, for the air to breathe to keep me going, and for the wonderful weather that gets me motivated to run.
2) I have taken on the task of updating the bulletin weekly. Let me tell you, that can really mess with your head. I am having to look to stuff happening next week and then someone comes in or calls wanting to talk about something this week, and I can't even being to think what day it is right now! Oy! But I do love doing it. It can such a challenge some weeks, and then other weeks it's a breeze. And since I get to decide what goes on the cover, I get to stretch and grow my creative skills (or lack there of).
Thank you Lord for giving me a job that stretches, challenges, encourages me to grow.
Monday, May 10, 2010
I am so blessed.
Here's an email I just got...
"Thanks my love! Thank you for always believing in me and having my back. It's such an honor being your husband.
- Scott
Friday, May 7, 2010
Today I...
am listening to Mercy Me on Grooveshark. This makes my ears and heart happy. Plus, I hear their new album "The Generous Mr. Lovewell’ is doing quite well this week (it's aparently going head to head with Godsmacks album...who else finds that interesting?).
am focusing on and praying through these verses.
went to the gym and had my butt kicked by both the treadmill and my husband. For me, that equals a great start to the day. :)
am emailing students asking them to volunteer to help serve at Stu Weber's appreciation dinner on Sunday, May 16th. Fun times, gotta love trying to sound cool but not too cool...yeah, I am so already not cool for just typing that.
am excited to have an evening in with Scott. Boy do I LOVE spending time with that man. Seriously. Best times ever!! And we are going to make pizza for dinner. Yum! And who knows, we might just walk on down to the cute little town of Troutdale of which we reside and check out their little monthly Art Walk. But who knows... ;)
give out one HUGE THANK YOU to Trader Joe's for making a whole wheat pizza crust. I heart you and all your wonderful, tasty, decently priced products.
am LOVING sauerkraut. Let's face it, I love it every day...but is hitting the spot something fierce. I can eat this stuff straight from the jar...oh, and look at that, I am!
am eating too much garlic. I know this because 1) my taste buds are telling me so (and Scott probably will tonight too) and 2) Zach just opened the door and said "Garlic, huh?"
am thinking about and excited for what our future holds...
am focusing on and praying through these verses.
Prov 8:33-34
33 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it.
34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.
Philipians 4:6-7
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
went to the gym and had my butt kicked by both the treadmill and my husband. For me, that equals a great start to the day. :)
am emailing students asking them to volunteer to help serve at Stu Weber's appreciation dinner on Sunday, May 16th. Fun times, gotta love trying to sound cool but not too cool...yeah, I am so already not cool for just typing that.
am excited to have an evening in with Scott. Boy do I LOVE spending time with that man. Seriously. Best times ever!! And we are going to make pizza for dinner. Yum! And who knows, we might just walk on down to the cute little town of Troutdale of which we reside and check out their little monthly Art Walk. But who knows... ;)
give out one HUGE THANK YOU to Trader Joe's for making a whole wheat pizza crust. I heart you and all your wonderful, tasty, decently priced products.
am LOVING sauerkraut. Let's face it, I love it every day...but is hitting the spot something fierce. I can eat this stuff straight from the jar...oh, and look at that, I am!
am eating too much garlic. I know this because 1) my taste buds are telling me so (and Scott probably will tonight too) and 2) Zach just opened the door and said "Garlic, huh?"
am thinking about and excited for what our future holds...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
There are lots and lots AND LOTS of choices to make every day, pretty much every minute of the day in fact.
I'll make my choices and you make yours.
I will not make your choices for you nor are you expected to make my choices for me.
I will look to the Lord to lead me and help me make my choices and hope and pray that you do the same.
I'll make my choices and you make yours.
I will not make your choices for you nor are you expected to make my choices for me.
I will look to the Lord to lead me and help me make my choices and hope and pray that you do the same.
Prov 3:5-8
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD and shun evil.
8 This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
HIGH-Larious video!
Seriously, check this out ASAP! It's not only funny, it makes a fantastic point at the end.
Seriously, check this out ASAP! It's not only funny, it makes a fantastic point at the end.
A good - no GREAT - reminder
Scott just sent me a text and all it said was 2 Timothy 2:22. When this happens, I don't question, I just go and read (Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart). Good verse, definitely need to remember that, thanks for sharing that with me babe. Well, then I got a little curious, so I decided to read the following verses. Wow. I quickly realized the Lord was trying to talk to me. This is stuff I struggle with on a daily/moment by moment basis. I could just hear the Lord talkin to me.
"Tabitha, stop being so stubborn and resentful. Oh, don't give me that look, don't act like I can't see into your heart and hear your thoughts at all times. I need you to be teachable so you can turn around and teach others. Let My name be glorified, help others grow and know Me like you are growing to know Me."
"Tabitha, don't engage in stupid arguments. You know exactly how they'll end up, because it happens every. single. time. There's no resolve, everyone's upset, resentful to each other. Not exactly a fun place to be, huh? Oh, you can pretend to shrug it off, but I know you, you ain't shruggin' off nothin. Don't get trapped in by the devil darlin. His will only leads to destruction. Flee him, and help and encourage others to flee him too. Stick with Me, I am where the party is at."
Yep, He will talk to us, He will get through to us in His sometimes crazy feeling ways...but are we always ready to listen? Also, if you think I missed the boat here, please let me know, I don't want to get the wrong message from God. ;)
Here are the verses I read...if you want, you can let me know what you got out of them. I'd love love love to know. :)
2 Tim 2:22-26
22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
23 Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.
24 And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.
25 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,
26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.
"Tabitha, stop being so stubborn and resentful. Oh, don't give me that look, don't act like I can't see into your heart and hear your thoughts at all times. I need you to be teachable so you can turn around and teach others. Let My name be glorified, help others grow and know Me like you are growing to know Me."
"Tabitha, don't engage in stupid arguments. You know exactly how they'll end up, because it happens every. single. time. There's no resolve, everyone's upset, resentful to each other. Not exactly a fun place to be, huh? Oh, you can pretend to shrug it off, but I know you, you ain't shruggin' off nothin. Don't get trapped in by the devil darlin. His will only leads to destruction. Flee him, and help and encourage others to flee him too. Stick with Me, I am where the party is at."
Yep, He will talk to us, He will get through to us in His sometimes crazy feeling ways...but are we always ready to listen? Also, if you think I missed the boat here, please let me know, I don't want to get the wrong message from God. ;)
Here are the verses I read...if you want, you can let me know what you got out of them. I'd love love love to know. :)
2 Tim 2:22-26
22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
23 Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.
24 And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.
25 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,
26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.
First facebok moment and thinking
So, I receive an email from Real Simple every day with a "daily thought." When I had facebook, I would use these daily thoughts as my status update. Well, today's was a good one and I wanted to put it on my facebook for others to see and read and maybe get a little chuckle or a "yep, me too." As I was copying it to take it over to post on facebook I had the DUH! moment and remembered that I no longer reside on the "book of face" as Scott likes to call it. It's gonna take sometime to change my mind frame...back to how it should be, but that's okay. I can do this! (like it's some huge deal or something, sheesh). And how cute is my husband, this morning when I asked if he saw that I had taken the huge step of getting off of facebook he says, "yeah, I know, now all my profile says is married."
So, since I know you are all so curious as what Real Simples Daily Though was, here ya's a good one:
So, since I know you are all so curious as what Real Simples Daily Though was, here ya's a good one:
"I run so my goals in life will continue to get bigger instead of my belly." ~ Bill KirbyAlso, on a total side note, my two favorite thinking places/times are when I'm running and when I'm in the shower. Seriously, those are the times that I am having to be in my own head space and makes me think about things that I may not take time during the busy day to think about. I have a lot of talks with God while running and in the that weird? I don't really think so, I mean, he knew when we were in our mother's womb for crying in the night! But yeah, best thinking times, best times to debate and wrestle with myself and with God, best time to epiphany's and aha moments, best time to get ideas and even to write blog posts...all in my head of course. Anyone out there care to comment on where their favorite thinking spots/times are?
Monday, May 3, 2010
No more facebook stalking for this one

I did it folks. I have disabled my facebook account. Yep, it's true. I have been thinking about it for a few weeks but just wasn't sure I could pull it off on my own. I mean, that is a big step, ya know? I have a lot of "friends" on facebook, and a lot of people I stalk, er, I mean follow, and I have put a lot of pictures up...but oh my word, is that thing a time sucker like nobody's business! And I was so tired of stopping someone mid-story to say "oh, yep, already read about that" or "Oh, I know all about you. And oh my word, your little girl is so CUTE! Where is she, can I meet her?" I mean, seriously, talk about awkward moment (hello, every moment of my life). Like my friend Holli said, it's face connecting (I may have slightly paraphrased) and I think I'm done. But, I knew I could not let go of facebook on my own. I needed back-up. I needed someone to pry my fingers from the mouse so I wouldn't be able to click from on person's backyard bbq picture to another person's girls night out picture to another person (whom I've never even seen before) photo album of their honeymoon in Greece (oh yeah, that was fun to flip through...gotta go there, and maybe I can ask these people where we should eat at while we are there because it looks like they had...WAIT, stop that, stop right there crazy lady!). I needed help because this was gonna be a tough habit to break. In to my story walks my wonderful husband Scott. As I am ranting to him about how tired I am of facebook being such a stealer of my time and how I wish I could just get out of it completely, he throws out the easiest solution of "well...why don't you just do it then?" Well, but, well, but...yeah, basically that was my response, in a nutshell. For some reason, I was also worried about all my pictures I had downloaded...I meanted that to Scott to. "You have them on your computer, right? Well, yeah, of course I do. Then whats the problem. Other people won't be So, do you feel as ridiculous reading that as I did saying it and realizing exaclty what was holding me back? Yeah, probably not. I apparently was worried about people seeing ME and all the fun things I was doing, people facebook stalking me. What the crap is that Tabitha? I think I was/am looking for people to approve of me and what I am doing and, I don't know, like me or something. It's interesting, I wasn't thinking of some of this stuff til just now as I type and process. And I kinda can't believe I just put all this on here but I feel I should be honest, even brutally if the case calls for it, with myself and also with you out there reading this. I mean, how am I gonna learn if I can't face things, right? Another thing that strikes me is that I am tired of people reading things about me before I can tell them. I know, I know, it's my own fault because I put stuff on there, and I shouldn't be putting things on there that I don't want people to see or to read. But oh my word, it is such a temptation when I have that little post box thing and it's empty and I'm reading about what fun things others are doing or's hard not to want to join in on the fun and have people pay attention to you. I mean, am I completely off here? Am I the only one that does this? I know, I'm a crazy girl, but hey, I'm also an honest girl. Well, most of the time. :)
Now, don't think I hate facebook and look down on anyone that is a part of facebook. I think facebook is great, I love it, if I had a time log you'd realize just how much I loved's just time for this girl to take a break and stop stalking everyone and looking for attention in the wrong places. I also am now going to hopefully be able to not tell Scott "oh yeah, yeah, already read that on your post this morning. I could not believe he said that!" and "Yes, we totally need to hang out with them soon. What? Yes, I already saw their comment on your post. Hardy, har har, yes, I'm stalking my own husband, blah blah blah, your hilarious." Um...yeah, and I'm crazy, that's why this works so well. Actually this works so well because he loves me so unconditionally inspite of my craziness but that is a whole nother post.
Well, I'm so totally done typing and thinking. I don't know if post even flows in a pattern that is comprehensible, kinda don't care right now. But I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it makes you stop and think a teensy bit.
This is me
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Okay, seriously. When you are done drinking a good cup of home brewed coffee, this is not what you want to see at the bottom of your empy cup...especially when it's a mug bought on your honeymoon in Kauai.
Yeah, here is the crack I least like out all these that are trying to make a "pretty" little mosaic. Not diggin' it, so stop it RIGHT THIS SECOND!
Inside and
Outside. Yeah, it's NEVER a good sign when you have corresponding cracks...means the cup is not going to last too I wrong? Should I be drinking coffee out of this? What if I am enjoying a nice morning cup of joe all ready and dressed for work and then it starts to drip on me? This. Is. Not. Good.
Yes, this is a short post about spitting...and running. In fact, lets just say that this is a short post for those that run (or actually, for those that are wanting to possibly get into running). I would like to give anyone a quick word about spitting whilst running.
When out running you will have the need to spit. I am SO not sure why this is because it's not like I get the urge to spit all the time, like while I'm sitting at work or at home. Just. When. I. Run. Strange...but something I think most runner's or people that are active can attest to. Anyway, that's the first part, you will want to spit. Second part? Go ahead. Spit. We all do it. It's not weird. And, in some sort of strange way, I feel kinda cool. Yep, I said it. This is MY blog and I can say whatever I want...and you may judge, it's all good, but I know you are secretly agreeing with me. 3rd and MOST IMPORTANT bit of advice, and the REASON why I am writing this blog post...please, PLEASE, remember to always, ALWAYS, spit out to your right or to your left. Turn your head and do your business quick and fast and just keep on moving. I bring this advice to you today because I for some very random strange reason decided to not take my own proven advice and NOT turn my head to the right or to the left. I kept looking straight ahead while I took care of my business. Yes, I know what you are thinking. TABITHA!!! What the heck, girl?! Dir, NEVER ever spit in front of you WHILE RUNNING. Yeah, I know. I. Know. When you make this mistake...well, I think you are all smart enough to figure this one out on your own without my having to describe to you my embarrassing/disgusting end result. I learned my lesson, don't you worry. I will not be doing THAT again, any time soon.
So I will leave you know with my great (and so obvious) advice. Please heed it. You will thank me...after you are done pointing and laughing, I'm sure.
When out running you will have the need to spit. I am SO not sure why this is because it's not like I get the urge to spit all the time, like while I'm sitting at work or at home. Just. When. I. Run. Strange...but something I think most runner's or people that are active can attest to. Anyway, that's the first part, you will want to spit. Second part? Go ahead. Spit. We all do it. It's not weird. And, in some sort of strange way, I feel kinda cool. Yep, I said it. This is MY blog and I can say whatever I want...and you may judge, it's all good, but I know you are secretly agreeing with me. 3rd and MOST IMPORTANT bit of advice, and the REASON why I am writing this blog post...please, PLEASE, remember to always, ALWAYS, spit out to your right or to your left. Turn your head and do your business quick and fast and just keep on moving. I bring this advice to you today because I for some very random strange reason decided to not take my own proven advice and NOT turn my head to the right or to the left. I kept looking straight ahead while I took care of my business. Yes, I know what you are thinking. TABITHA!!! What the heck, girl?! Dir, NEVER ever spit in front of you WHILE RUNNING. Yeah, I know. I. Know. When you make this mistake...well, I think you are all smart enough to figure this one out on your own without my having to describe to you my embarrassing/disgusting end result. I learned my lesson, don't you worry. I will not be doing THAT again, any time soon.
So I will leave you know with my great (and so obvious) advice. Please heed it. You will thank me...after you are done pointing and laughing, I'm sure.
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