Saturday, December 31, 2005
2005, what a fun year!
1. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before? I ran a half marathon in 1 hr and 47 minutes. I also participated in Hood to Coast.
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions and will you make more for next year? I don't think I made any last year but I have made a few for this year. I am going to run more races and make more time for those friends that live in town yet I hardly see.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes
4. Did anyone close to you die? Yes
5. What countries did you visit? Very sadly, I didn't visit any countries. Something is very wrong with this picture.
6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005? Well, that I've lacked my whole life, a trip to Kuaui...oh wait, I am going to have a trip to Kuaui in September, yay!!! And a boyfriend....just kidding.
7. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting out of my old job and getting my new job at the church that I just love!! Also, running the half marathon. Another thing was the finishing of the DUNES mailer and then that everyone liked it. I really felt like I accomplished something huge!
8. What was your biggest failure? Hmmm...I don't think I'll share that with any of you. I'll keep them to myself and call it good.
9. What was the best thing you bought? Much like my friend Lindsy, I bought my tickets to Kuaui. And I bought my sister a iPod shuffle for Christmas, that was pretty darn exciting.
10. Whose behavior merited celebration? This is a weird question but I'll do my best to answer it. I think my brother's behavior has improved a lot over the last several months and that has been great to witness. Also just my family who has to put up with me and still loves me. 11. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? At times my brother (but he has improved greatly) and there are a few other people out there who have appalled me but they shall remain nameless.
12. What song will always remind you of 2005? Songs by Guster and Bebo Norman, I was introduced to them this year and I listened to them a lot.
13. Where did most of your money go? Oh goodness, I would have to say that I spend a lot on food. I eat a lot of fresh food (veggies, fruits, and meats) and that isn't cheap. I'm sure I spent a lot of money on a plethora of other things but food is the first thing that comes to mind. Oh and gas, the prices have been OUTRAGEOUS this year.
14. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Um, I get excited very easily over lots of things, some small some big, so I don't really know. I think I would have to say my job would be one thing that I was super super excited about. Oh, I got pretty excited about the finished DUNES mailer, too. :)
15. What do you wish you'd done more of? Relyed more on God, showed my family that I appreciate them, spent more time with my best girlfriends, and called more people in other states that I hardly ever talk to. Basically just been a better daughter and friend.
16. What do you wish you'd done less of? stressed over dumb things that aren't even in my hands to handle.
17. Did you fall in love in 2005? Thought I could have but nope, still have yet to do that. Maybe this year will be the year.
18. What was your favorite TV program? Lost and CSI (the original)
19. What was the best book you read? There are two, Blue Like Jazz and Safetly Home. Another one that I am reading right now is Knowledge of the Holy.
20. What was your greatest musical discovery of 2005? Guster, I just love their sound, and Michael Buble, his music is so my style.
21. What did you want and get? A new job and a church home
22. What did you want and not get? A water belt for running and a boyfriend...just kidding 23. What was your favorite film of this year? Hmmm, I saw a lot of movies but I really liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Narnia. I'm sure I like a lot more but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
24. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005? Hahaha, I don't have a fashion, I just wear what I like and feel comfortable in (unless your talking shoes)
25. What kept you sane? Working out and reading my bible
26. Who did you miss? MARILEE KELSO!!! And Rachel Dueul, and we live in the same city.
27. Who was the best new person you met? Oh dear me, that is a very very tough question to answer because I have met a lot of new people that I have liked a lot.
28. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005. I have learned to really give things to God. He has wisdom we can't even fathom and He never makes a wrong decision. He is watching over us and He never sleeps. That is comforting for me to remember when I am dealing with problems. Give it to God and all will be alright.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Well, I turned 25 this year. I worked and then my friends took me out to the Berlin Inn for some traditional German cheese fondue and the most amazing dessert, then a couple of girls took me downtown and we hit happy hour at Henry's. All in all, it was a very fun birthday. And just so you all know, my birthday is on February 17th, which is about a month and half away. :)
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Hmmm...I think I had a pretty good year. There are a few things that I would have liked to happen but seeing as they didn't and they probably didn't for a good reason, I can't complain. The Lord was good to me this year in more ways than I can even imagine. I wouldn't change any of it.
Now, let's ring in the New Year and see what the Lord has instore for 2006!
New Years Eve and Portland First Run

What are you all doing for New Years? I would love to know. Whatever you decide to do, have fun and most importantly, be safe! Love you all! Talk to you next year!
Some of the girls in my life
Friday, December 30, 2005
The pink note

Yes, someone had put a note on my windshield in a plastic baggy so I would be sure to get it. And incase you can't read the note I'll tell you what it said. "Why are you parked in my spot? It is reserved for me. I've been parking here for 8 months. I will have you towed if you park here again. Have a great nite!" What in the world?! Uncovered spots aren't reserved, and if they do happen to be reserved they are clearly marked, and this one iwas and is not. My roommate parked here a few weeks ago and was not issued any such note. I guess I should be thankful that she didn't have me towed, that wouldn't have been very condusive to my morning routine. She was also nice enough to wish me a nice "nite!" (an exclamation point and everything) She had time to write the note and put it in a baggy but I guess not enough time to spell the word correctly...hmmmm. I'm going to go ask my apartment managers when I go home this afternoon about this little situation. Who knows, I could have been mistaken about the spot being reserved and missed the markings. Or we could just have a crazy on our hands who doesn't understand the rules of apartment parking: Uncovered, unmarked spots are for anyone, thank you very much.
Well, I just thought I would share this little story with you. Thought it was kinda funny.
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Well, everyone, I am pleased to introduce you to my iPod nano. Isn't it cute? So small, so sleek.

If you read the post about my Christmas day you would know that "Santa" wasn't quite able to fulfill my Christmas wish of getting a nano (I had to settle for an arm band instead). My dad said he was on a waiting list and didn't know when they would come in again so I didn't think I would be getting it until later in January or something. Every Thursday my dad and I have a lunch date and we head to Sandy to enjoy a lovely meal at the Tollgate Inn. When we got back to the church and I was about to get out of the car he reached into the back seat saying "What's this? Who put this here? I don't remember there being anything in the back seat earlier." I know my dad pretty well to know that this means that my dad has something for me but I couldn't figure out what it could be. Then he pulled out the little black box that said those two beautiful words: iPod nano. I couldn't believe I was holding my very own nano. I thought I was going to break it when I took it out of the box, it's so stinkin tiny. Isn't my dad swell! He's too good to me, thats for sure. Thanks dad, love you! Now I'm just having fun downloading music and trying to figure it all out.

Reality TV show show's there's no quick fix

Why do I love it so? Well, because it actually promotes something besides just winning big bucks. It is promoting being healthy and getting there in a healthy way through eating right and excersizing. They not only help the people on the show to lose weight in a healthy manner by showing them better food and cooking options and different ways to excersize but they also tackle the emotional problems of the participants that have gotten them where they are now, weight wise. And like my title indicates, the show says that there are no quick, healthy ways to lose weight. You can't just take a pill or cut out a whole food group if you want to lose weight for the long term and be healthy. In our society, we need to be hearing more of that. It's all about getting the 5 food groups in proper proportions and getting active. And that is why the show is just down right amazing.
Granted, while on the show the people are in a little health bubble with trainers and less temptations, but look at the people that have gotten "voted" off. They have continued to eat right, excersize and lose weight and in turn feel even better about themselves. And the show is helpful to those who are viewing as well. They give tips on how to excersize and cook healthier. I mean, it even motivated me for crying out loud. I just love this show and I can't say enough good things about it. I loved watching the people that got voted off go home to their families and their families be totally surprised at how different they looked. Then the camera's would go back several months later and show how they were doing now and each person always looked even better (and so did their families!).

I have to send a shoutout to the trainers as well, they do a great job of pushing these people to their limits and yet creating friendships where the contestants feel comfortable talk to them about their issues and triumphs.
In the begining: The winner was Matt Hoover. He was a big boy, he lost 157lbs. Second place was Seth Ward who lost a whopping 123lbs, leaving 3rd place for the super cute Suzy Preston who lost 95lbs.

And here they are after weight loss. WOW!! They look AMAZING! Bunch of cuties, huh?!
And some really exciting news: Matt and Suzy are dating. Aren’t they just adorable? I really hope they make it. It would be nice to see a couple that got their start in front of the camera actually make it off camera.

Well, those are my thoughts on this great show. Hopefully they all flowed coherently and I got my point across. :) Anyone want to "weigh in" on this show? Love it? Hate it? I would love to hear your thoughts.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Quotes from C.S. Lewis

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one."
"Everyone feels benevolent if nothing happens to be annoying him at the moment."
"Many things--such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly--are done worst when we try hardest to do them."
"To excuse what can really produce good excuses is not Christian charity; it is only fairness. To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you."
"A little lie is like a little pregnancy it doesn't take long before everyone knows."
"Anxiety is not only a pain which we must ask God to assuage but also a weakness we must ask Him to pardon; for He's told us to take no care for the morrow."
"The greatest thing is to be found at one's post as a child of God, living each day as though it were our last, but planning as though our world might last a hundred years."
""Now is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It won't last forever. We must take it or leave it."
""'Don't you mind him,' said Puddleglum. 'There are no accidents. Our guide is Aslan.'"
--The Silver Chair
There were so many, it was hard to just choose a few. But I'll end with one of my dad's favorite quotes from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
""'Safe?' said Mr. Beaver...'Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. but he's good. He's the King, I tell you.'"
My family
This is my wonderful family:

On the couch (from left to right)is Gloria (Karls mom), Katy (my mom), Grant (my dad), and Guy (my brother). On the floor (from right to left) is my brother-in-law Karl, my sis Samantha, me, and Lori, Karls sister. We are waving hello to my sister-in-law Lynn in China. Well, most of us are waving, Karl is giving Sam bunny ears. Ha ha, ain't he funny? Gotta love the fam! Soon, I'll have to put up a picture of Lynn so you can see who she is. She's a cutie!
Well, that's my family. They are a bit quirky (and by they I mean me) but I love them each dearly! They may not think so at times but it's true. They also may not feel the same towards me at times either but thank goodness for forgiveness and love, which my family members are overflowing with. And I am so thankful that everyone in the above photo shares a heavenly Father who loves us much more than we can ever imagine.
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." Victor Hugo
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Never been good at grammer
- Mindless:
Lacking intelligence or good sense; foolish.
Having no intelligent purpose, meaning, or direction.
Giving or showing little attention or care; heedless: mindless of the dangers. - Babble:
To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds.
To talk foolishly or idly; chatter.
To make a continuous low, murmuring sound, as flowing water.
Hmmm, when I look at these definitions I'm not so sure if I like the name that I chose. :) But I was looking back over my life the other day and I decided that this name is totally appropriate for me, sadly. I've always been a babbler, and it's really bad when I get nervous. When I was working at outdoor school a few years back Vonda Peirsol unknowingly (or maybe not) gave me the name of Babbling brook...appropriate, no? And...well, I seem to have forgotten the other examples at the moment, probably proving my point even more.
How exactly did I graduate from college?
A Disclaimer
Oh, Happy Christmas Day!
I know you are all curious to know, and yes, Santa visited our house Christmas Eve night. However, Santa had a helper this year who wasn't used to doing having stocking duty. So, when I woke up Christmas morning, I couldn't actually feel a lump at my feet like I usually do so I laid in bed for a half hour waiting for my dad (I mean santa) to tiptoe in and lay the stocking at my feet. Finally as I was moving around to get comfortable for the 40th time I heard a little crinkle. I sat up and saw that my stocking had been leaning up against my matress (I was sleeping on a matress on the floor) the whole time. Another year, another fun stocking filled with little goodies! A side note here, later in the day when we were having dinner at my sister's house my parents said that they started the tradition of putting the stockings on our beds to keep us in our rooms so they could either get some more sleep or get breakfast ready. It's always interesting to find out just how traditions start.
Anyway, the rest of the day went very well. Before breakfast my mom and I got to talk to the newest member of our family who lives in China right now (Lynn, my brother's new bride). That was super fun (she is a sweetie!) but I talk to fast for her (anyone surprised). :) Our breakfast of cinnamon rolls, pepper bacon and eggs was tasty as usual and the opening of presents was a fun time too. I love watching people open up their gifts and being excited about them. It brings joy to my heart (I'm such a softy). Among other things, mom and dad got each other robes, Guy got his traditional socks and underwear and I got an arm band for my non existant ipod nano (apparently that was THE present to give this year and someone didn't get to the store soon enough to claim one). Around 1 we went to my sisters house and opened presents with her and my brother-in-law Karl. My sister got me one of those really nice Chef knives and I can't wait to use it!!! Kar'l's mom, Gloria, and sister, Lori, came over and we all had Christmas dinner together. It was fantabulous (as usual). I made the appetizers (mini frititta's, pita chips and homemade salsa) and green beans, my mom made the ham and my sister made a salad and her ever so delicious potato dish. After we let that settle for a bit my sister brought out the pièce de résistance: her Chocolate Peppermint Ice Cream Cake. Oh my word, it was to die for! Seriously it was the best dessert I've had in a very long time. I can't wait to make it for my friends. GREAT JOB SIS!!!
Then my parents and I went home and watched The Santa Clause. We had to watch it before Christmas was over because none of us had watched it yet and that just wasn't going to do. All in all, it was a very pleasant day. I sure do love my family. They have their quirks, but they're fun. I can't wait to post my pictures for you.
Hope all of your Christmas's were wonderful and full of fun memories!
Now it's on to New Years!!!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Blogging and weddings
And since I said what I did about pictures I feel a bit compelled to post some. Hmmm, what shall I put up. How about a couple of pictures from the two weddings I was in this summer.

Oh dear, I'm sitting here counting the weddings I've been in and the number totals to 8. That is a lot....and I'm only 25. At least I know I'm loved. :)
Oh, and, Mrs. Rachel Dueul (formerly King), I would have been in 9 but someone had to go and get married in Vegas without me. You punk! Okay, just kidding, I'm just glad you are happily married to your high school sweet heart! Love ya girl!
Anywho, anyone care to share how many weddings they've been in? I know there has to be someone out there who has me beat. :)
Friday, December 23, 2005
Christmas Traditions at the McAllisters
So, anyway, there aren't many of traditions so this shouldn't take too long (but don't get excited cause I am the babbler).




Doesn't that look amazing? I can't wait!
Please share your Christmas traditions with me, I love hearing what other families do around the holidays. :)
'Twas the Friday before Christmas
Anyways, just felt like babbling some more. I'm sure my blog is going to be totally boring for you all to read but I think I'm going to enjoy it. :)
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Our cute Christmas tree

Here are a few pics of our cute little Christmas tree. We decided to go small this year since our apartment isn't too big and can't really handle a huge tree. Plus it was just so stinkin cute that I just had to get it. I even cut it down all by myself. Again, sorry for the small pictures. I'm really bumbed about that but oh well. I've learned a valuable lesson. Hope you are all enjoying your Christmas holidays where ever you are around the world! Love ya!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Oh, here's me, the little worker bee (I made a rhyme). Can I just say that I love my job? I can? Great! I started on August 24th, 2005 and I LOVE MY JOB!!! I LOVE absolutly everyone that I work with, the environment that I'm in and I love that I'm doing new things all the time. There is never a dull moment around here, that is for sure.
One great thing that has come from working here that would hopefully have happened down the road, is that Good Shepherd really feels more like my church home. I walk into church on the weekends and people say hi to me and I say hi to people. I, Tabitha, know people here and people know me. It's so fun! Who knew?
Okay, I'm done. I really do mindlessly babble don't I? If you know me at all you won't be surprised. :) But, hey, it keeps things interesting.
Everyone have a wonderful day!
Nutcracker and Narnia

Well, a few weeks ago (okay, the 8th of this month) Jenn Abel and myself took out Kellee Peil, Abbey Dragoon and Stacey Caswell to McMennamins for dinner and then to see the Nutcracker down at the Keller Auditorium. Someone had dropped off free tickets to the dress rehersal so we decided to use them. It was a fun night, girls nights out always are. On the way home Jenn and I decided to go see the midnight showing of Narnia out in Sandy so we called Tracy and headed out to stay up way past our bed times and live a little. :) The movie was fabulous! I loved it! But guess what I did (remember the time I saw this movie and what I had already done that day). I feel asleep. No surprise there. Except that I had to fall asleep during the most important part of the movie, when Aslan is on the table. Sometimes I could just kick myself. OH well, just means I have to see it again. Good thing I liked it. Anywho, thats enough from me for now. I'll try and do more catching up and bring you all up to speed so my blog isn't totally boring and pointless. Oh, wait, my blog is called mindless bable, so isn't that the point?
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Gotta love Choir and ice

Then Sunday afternoon it snowed...and then iced. When I got home Sunday afternoon after doing a bit of Christmas shopping (my last and a whole week before Christmas) I got into my warm pj's, put on a Christmas movie and wrapped presents. It was a pleasant afternoon. Then my dad called and said that it was going to get really bad and

It was so cold that I decided that when I got home to my apartment I would have soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner (I was excited...I know I'm weird about food). Well, my plans were dashed when my electricity flickered twice and then went out. I soon realized the only way of communication I had with the outside world, short of driving somewhere, was my cell. I don't have a radio and I couldn't watch tv or get online. My apartment was so very quite. But I did enjoy doing things by candle light. And even though my apartment was pretty cold I slept the best I've slept in a long time that night. I had gotten all the blankets from the living room and piled them on my bed so it would be toasty warm (since I couldn't turn on my heating pad to keep my little toes warm like I usually do).
Well, I think that's quite enough for now. I should add that I'm sorry about the small pictures. I condensed them yesterday on accident and made them so teeny tiny it's ridiculous. But I put them up anyways cause I took them for this very purpose and by golly I'm going to use them, small or not. This should not be a problem in the future. :)
Friday, September 9, 2005
I'm still bored so here are some pictures for you to gaze at

This is my dear Rachel. I don't see her very often (or talk to her for that matter) so I miss her ever so much!

Here is Krista, David (Lisa's little one), Rachel, Lisa, Stephanie, and myself. We are very infreguently in the same place at the same time (Krista living in OKC these days, and the rest of us being so busy) so it's always a very fun time when we do get to hang out and catch up (even if it is in Elmers and David is throwing a basketball at people). I miss you all!!! Cannot wait to see you next week!

This is Jeff (Left) and Erik (Right). Erik is married to Lisa and is David's daddy and Jeff is another friend in our circle of high school friends. Did I already mention that? We all went to high school together many years ago. :) Good times at ol' Columbia Christian!
Here is Roxanna (left) and Naomi (right). Two more girls that I went to high school and college with, though they were a year ahead of me. I love these girls! They are so much fun! Rox is in Japan teaching English and loving it (I miss her ever so much!) and Naomi is here in Portland with the rest of us enjoying the good ol' US of A. I need to call you Naomi, I know! :)
This is a picture from this summer (well, they all are actually) of my mom, Krista, and Debbie (Krista's "ma") having sushi together while Krista was in town visiting. That was a fun night. We tried tons of different kinds of sushi (they had to take plates away to fit others on the table cause we ordered so much) and taught Debbie how to use chopsticks (that was quite hilarious! Love you Aunt Debbie). Following all that food, I don't know how we did this, but we went to Papa Haydens for their famous desserts. This place has THE best desserts ever. I had the Cassata, which is a three layer cake that has been soaked
in kaloa with write yummy frosting with chocolate shavings inbetween the layers and on top. To top the oh so delicious cake off they have skinny tubes (for lack of a better way to describe it) of white and dark chocolate along the side. Oh, its simply heaven on a plate. YUM!
I'll stop torturing you and end this very long picture show with a picture of the adorable David Granberg. He is much older now, this was taken in September when he was about 14 months or so. He's got quite the character! I can't wait to see him next week!
Well, I'll leave you with that for now. Bye all!